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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Archbishop: Maryland AG Investigating Records in Abuse Probe

Maryland's attorney general is delving into records of the Baltimore archdiocese as part of an investigation into child sex abuse accusations, the latest U.S. state seeking confidential church files since a Pennsylvania grand jury released an explosive report alleging widespread abuse and a cover-up scandal.

Archbishop William Lori said in a statement Monday that he has written priests and deacons in the archdiocese advising them he's been informed by Attorney General Brian Frosh of "an investigation of records related to the sexual abuse of children."

Unlike other U.S. states including New York that have recently announced probes into clergy sex abuse, Frosh's office only said it doesn't confirm or deny the existence of any investigations. But in a tweet Friday, Frosh called for victims of abusers "associated with a school or place of worship" to come forward.



  1. Frosh doesn't have time for this. He's too busy trying to stop President Trump from making our country great again.

  2. What BS, SU is such a liberal joke, they need to teach these kids
    real stuff, not some BS ass. prof. crap.


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