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Sunday, September 23, 2018

Hillary Clinton: Abolish Electoral College Because Donald Trump Is Destroying America

Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton returned to the public forum demanding an end to the electoral college in presidential elections because President Donald Trump was a terrible president.

“You won’t be surprised to hear that I passionately believe it’s time to abolish the Electoral College,” she wrote in a new op-ed in the Atlantic.

Clinton complained that Trump was a racist who was destroying American democracy.

“Trump has sunk far below the already-low bar he set for himself in his ugly campaign,” she wrote, ticking of a laundry lists of offensive actions and public failures in his presidency.

Clinton argued Americans that Trump was a racist, citing his comment about “shithole countries” in Africa, suggesting he did not care about the victims in Puerto Rico because they were Latino, failed to condemn hate crimes against Muslims, and criticized NFL players.

“Hate speech isn’t ‘telling it like it is,'” she wrote. “It’s just hate.”

She also complained that Trump lacked “civic, republican virtue” and the idea of public service.



  1. Dave T: Can't she make like a good deadbeat politician, and cozy up with a wine bottle in the gutter somewhere?

  2. Civil war is coming 2020

  3. Please don't ever go away, Hillary. No matter how bad you make yourself look.

  4. Bob Aswell....Not FooledSeptember 18, 2018 at 3:51 PM

    Lets start with abolishing the gene pool of ALL the crooks in D.C. like her and her sexual predator husband. A terrible liar is the legacy of him and her both and the idiocy of her horse faced daughter.
    I can't remember an administration that was as broad on criminal enterprise as them. When I was young my granny had a saying "they're too common for Hell to take", I wonder where they're going?
    I was usually on an even keel when the subject was political yet lately I have come to hate a gaggle of lying,whining,thieving, Dumbocrats.
    The Hell of it is the electorate is so stupid at the polls they keep sending them back to accomplish absolutely NOTHING.
    I hope when every one of them approaches Heavens gate Donald Trump is the GATEKEEPER.
    Bob ASwell....Not Fooled

  5. Sorry, Hillary, but the Founding Fathers were onto people like you from the beginning. Here it is some 240 years later and their well and closely considered words are still keeping the Republic together.

  6. The Clintonian idea of public service is to cheat your way through while sucking it for all that you can get.

  7. Again hildabeast you lost
    How many times do we have to tell you
    now just go away
    Enough already

  8. Thank God that an amendment to the Constitution is extremely hard--and this will never happen for at least another 100 years or more (38 states would need to approve change) Never happen!

  9. I would rather have a "terrible" President than the most corrupt and outright criminal for President. Go Trump!

  10. she has seen the map of the election results right?....you know the red/blue one that shows who won where.....

  11. Hillary, you should be picking out a jail cell instead of wasting the taxpayers time oh how you plan to cheat the taxpayer out of more money.

  12. Exactly, 4:01 They knew more then than liberals do now. It was set up for exactly this reason.
    Furthermore, she knew the rules going into the game. You don't win a football game by adding total yards less fumbles - you win by scoring the most points and KNOWING which points accumulate faster. She assumed that by concentrating on the coasts and liberal north, she would get the most popular votes. She got more yards but Trump got more points.
    Final whistle blew. Game over.

  13. shes just obfuscating because those documents released will send her to gitmo

  14. She's just pissed she's going to prison, but hopefully executed for treason, as will many whom assisted her.

  15. Of 3,141 counties in our country, Clinton won only 487 of them. Does that paint the picture of how miserably she failed in that election? I guess she is in favor of abolishing the electoral college.

  16. She's just brilliant, isn't she...

  17. Hillary is so full of sour grapes that she ought to be a nasty bottle of wine by now.

  18. Trump won 2,600 counties.

    Clinton won 500.

    Trump won 84%.

  19. Funny, but I look around and I don't see America being destroyed. Anything but, in fact.

  20. We are not changing the Constitution for anyone.

  21. Hilliary, you want us to get rid of the one thing that saved this country from your continuation of the turdly way we were heading...most likely worse?

    No thanks!

  22. The Dems are destroying America, not Donald Trump!


  23. Makes it pretty clear why as a Yale Law grad she failed the DC Bar exam. Her idea, based on results, of public service is lining her pockets, Bill's pockets and Web Hubble's daughter's pockets. She's P.O.ed because Trump made his cash in business. No way she writes her material; it's scripted.

    She and Slow Joe are the bookends on an empty Democrat shelf of viable candidates.

  24. Democrats determined to destroy America and patriots will have to fight to preserve it.

  25. She was Obama's pick to follow him in the White House. That he chose her as Secretary of State was to keep her name alive and with some credibility. As with everything else she touches, she screwed that up, too, then called half of all Americans losers and whatever-phobes. The electoral college was created to make the playing field level, not tip it. All is as it should be.

  26. The electoral system allows minority states to have a voice even though smaller in population so the country isn't steam rolled by larger states. The founding fathers were truly geniuses.

  27. Thank God for the Electoral College. Without it, we'd have been saddled with that Criminal Cow.

    "She also complained that Trump lacked “civic, republican virtue” and the idea of public service."

    Really? Trump is donating his 200k/yr salary to government agencies with budget issues. Instead of selling access to the highest bidder, you stupid cow.

    Please define public service as you see it, then...

    I am really looking forward to some hangin's.

    Q sent me.

  28. Ok Great!
    Let New York and California elect every president.


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