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Sunday, September 23, 2018

Caught on Video: Looting at Family Dollar store in Wilmington

WILMINGTON, N.C. (WNCN) - Wilmington police said they were aware of looting at a Family Dollar store in the city on Saturday afternoon.

A WFMY-TV reporter captured video of several people running around the store, which had its sliding front door propped wide open in the wake of Hurricane Florence.

"Hurricane Florence is causing chaos in this city," Hannah Brewer of WFMY wrote on Twitter.

The incident was captured on video around 4:20 p.m. WECT reported that several people were wearing masks.


Another Video


  1. Start letting the residents shoot them in the act!

  2. Looks like Subsidized Government Buildings in Background ...

  3. The looters probably get food stamps, money for utilities and every other damned thing given to them and yet they are still out there stealing. Shameful.The police were driving by and ignoring the actions ---- whats up with that?

  4. Remember "Black Lives Matter" and getting what you want legally or illegally is all that matters. How low class and honest people don't conduct themselves in this manner.

  5. Isn't that expected?

  6. The only difference in this from any other day is the store is closed. They are stealing from a merchant that supplies their good's every day. When the store is open, they steal by using a EBT card. It's all the same....pure lazy and worthless species. I'm not talking any flavor, there are several flavors stealing. So hold your f'n' racist term's, card's or attacks.It's all low life trash.

  7. These people would loot a Good Will given the opportunity and probably get better stuff.

  8. Yes totally expected 8:30 and they never fail to disappoint. One of the few things hilary clinton didn't lie about when she called them Super Predators. They look for any opportunity to steal. They are so stupid to wonder why they are looked down upon when animals are more civilized and raise they young better.

  9. 8:30 AM rather sad statement on the condition of our society

  10. Downtown Wilmington is as bad as downtown Salisbury.

  11. 822 a few clowns taking advantage of an emergency situation has NOTHING to do with BLM. Folks like you really do struggle with that one track mind of yours.

    1. Yes it does. BLM is a joke with an agenda. Hate America but give me my SNAP cards.

  12. Look who is doing the looting, typical!

  13. I read a couple of articles about this in the past couple of days which stated, "the store asked the police to stand down originally," but that anyone identified on the TV coverage of the event would be prosecuted.

    Now the store will file a claim of having lost a billion dollars worth of merchandise due to looters. It was a "Dollar Store" I believe. I wonder if that "stand down" order should have any bearing on that claim?

  14. Looks like 2 patrol cars driving by at :16 seconds in the video. They obviously didn't seem too concerned.

  15. Nothing to see here. They needed food and water and new shoes.

  16. Give them housing ..food ..cell phones ...but we WANT MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE !!!

  17. And the cops do nothing?

  18. And as always it is blacks doing the criminal stuff. Then they wonder why white people are suspicious of them.

  19. These pictures are so discriminatory. There are no white people represented!

  20. Just like all the video of the stupid people having to be rescued. All black. We too duped to leave.

  21. No 936, you struggle with reality. Its all a joke no matter what acronym is used. Same thing happened in the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90', 00's and now today. Its condoned for the simply fact that those looting are only...ONLY hurting themselves. Doesn't bother me at all, nor does it impact my day to day operations. Actually, its entertainment for most!

    Until folks who do this realize they hurt themselves, well you cannot help those who cannot help themselves.

    Let the entertainment continue!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. I hope the store does not open. Let them ride the bus to another town to get things.

  23. They was lookin for a belt to hold their pants up.

  24. "...taking advantage of an emergency situation..."

    Other than being an hilarious rationalization of criminal activity, it begs the question --- why do the same people keep showing up at all the emergency situations?
    Do they get a couple of days notice or something?
    Oh. It's not exactly the SAME people?

  25. How sad is this for police officers to refuse to do their damn jobs. They should be fired.

  26. Serve and protect ????????

  27. How ironic,the stole everything but condoms and fathers day cards.lol


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