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Sunday, September 23, 2018

This happened in Salisbury

Lisa Michelle Fish is with Cayla Tucker and 3 others.
21 hrs

FYI for Friends in Salisbury...
This took place off Old Ocean City Rd where it connects with Beaglin Park!!!

I had an incident today where there was a guy walking around my truck that was sitting in the driveway and when I knocked on the kitchen window and got his attention he smiled and waved and walked around to the front of the house, I opened the front door, braced it with my foot and body and asked if I could help him, he stated he worked for Comcast and was doing “Spot checks” on the inside house lines. I questioned what he was looking for in my truck, where his Comcast vehicle was and asked for his Identification he replied his vehicle was down the street and his ID was not necessary so I told him I would call Comcast & I needed his ID because no one notified us of any “Spot checks” he again said his I’d was not necessary and he just needed to come inside to check lines it would just take a minute as he started walking towards the door I again demanded his ID and told him I’d call Comcast to verify, he took off running. I did not get a license tag but here’s a description of him & his vehicle:
White Male, short brown stringy hair, mustache & goatee, red plain T-shirt, blue jeans carpenter style shorts, about 5’5”-6’ middle 30’s
He jumped in an older beat up small 2 door black truck possibly a Ford Ranger, I could not see the tag he was parked too far away and I ran out of the house without my phone!

I notified the Sheriff’s department and they took a report! Be aware, The sheriff’s department said they’ve had several calls about this happening in the area!!


  1. How many times does this have to be said, Do Not Open The Door.

  2. We live on S. Kaywood Dr. and had a similar incidence
    last year, only the guy said he was from DPL. My
    husband was walking our dog and the guy was near our
    neighbors trucks. He left, ON FOOT!

  3. They were lucky , I would never open my
    door to someone I don't know, not in this
    day/time !

  4. Next time go to the door with gun in hand and when he gives you this BS invite him in show him the gun and tell him get down on the ground. If he doesn't comply shoot to kill. If he really worked for Comcast they will start training their employees better and if he didn't work for Comcast oh well one less criminal off the street.

  5. Here are some of the comments and it is unbelievable what is going on that no one knows about and some state they contacted the sheriff's office and they never showed up.

    Roseberry ave and Shamrock dr 3 burglaries in the past week. Vehicle and home invasions.

    My neighbor across the street went to the dentist today . Hardly ever leaves the house. Someone went in her porch. Climbed in her window after taking screen out. Stole money. Between 11:00 and 1:30. Glad she did not come home to find him there. (justice ave?)

    A friend of mine forwarded this message once she read this today. She was aware of the following happening to me last week. I live on Shamrock and on 9/13 I couldn't sleep. Went out and laid on my couch. At 4:30 am someone came on my deck and was shining a flashlight through my sliding glass door. I have the long venetian blinds hanging there, but one split does not close properly, which is why I could see the flashlight. I was beyond terrified. I had my TV on with the volume very low & two cars in the driveway. it still did not stop them. I made movement which I believed caused them to leave. I called the sheriff's office and they stated they would send a patrol car to monitor the area for the next several weeks. I as well as two other ladies walk at 5:45 am and we have yet to see a patrol car

    They said they were going to send one to take a report to us too. Never showed up, that’s ok because the next time if I’m home he will taste hot lead. Then maybe they will send an officer.

    This same guy was parked on my street with his cable security car. He came to our house about a month ago claiming to be with Delmarva power and he wanted to set up a day and time to come and change out our light bulbs with LED bulbs. My boyfriend scheduled the time and day to which I said he is a fraud and when I confronted him, he had no cards and tore a corner off a piece of paper to put his info. I should have grabbed the plate number as it was the same guy and same car I saw today on my street, only with a new decal on his car.

  6. That vehicle and subject has been reported as well to the sheriffs office

    hanging and casing out the neighborhood in the Cardinal Drive neighborhood off Snow Hill Road

    Subject sits in his truck in persons driveways between the hours of 5pm ro 830 PM, driving off when the person come home

  7. if you don`t live in the ghetto known as saisbury you dont have to deal with this crap.

    1. Whatever heroin/drug addicts dgaf where u stay. Matter of fact which has something more worth taking?

    2. Babycakes this "crap" happens nationwide, not just Salisbury. These neighborhood tales can be heard.anywhere. Each of us need to stay aware. Do not be so quick to blame LEO. They cannot be on every street corner waiting for a crime to take place..

  8. That dude in the black 2 door ranger
    creeping in neighnorhoods
    runs with a woman who is married
    off Old Ocean City Road, near that school

  9. It's crazy and it not even close to Christmas yet and it a damn shame that you won't hear about this on the local news or any crime for that matter!! Thank goodness for SBYNEWS and Joe!

  10. I'd open my door, and when he sees my Glock in my waistband (and I'll make SURE he sees it), I bet he'll decide he has the wrong address.

  11. calling the sheriffs office is a big waste of time. every time you call they take the information and then act like it's a bother to them. next time call the state police and you will get results.

  12. Anyone sent from DPL or Comcast would have a uniform with I.D. And they would never just send someone out to do you a service unsolicited. It's hard enough to get service from those companies when you call them about a problem.

  13. The Salisbury police don't enforce the law they enforce what they want....my residence is close to the food lion in Salisbury by the dmv. About 7pm 4times a week a "car club" meets in the food lion parking lot but down by the dollar store at the end! They pull out corn hole the have 20-30 cars at times with multiple ppl in each car. They turn the same song on in every car and shake my walls with the bass. They do donuts, race , party,litter, and destroy the surrounding area! I've called the spd on them maybe 100 times in 4 years....not one ticket issued not one arrest and it still happens. Sometimes they even come out and hang out with them when i call......I might still have the videos but i even talked to the officer in charge at the time and then chief Duncan.....nothing nothing at all......so See something say something only works if the cop feels like it!!!! Thanks Salisbury so now I'm selling taking family, my business and my taxes and leaving this county!

  14. 11:04 AM Don't blame LEO? Hmm they didn't bother to show up when they were called.

  15. 9:32 AM hey clueless. those people doing the energy audit are not dpl employees. they are contractors and drive shitty cars. they state they work for dpl but they don't. the whole program is bs and puts EVERYONE at risk because dpl doesn't properly vet these people. they were in our neighborhood this spring.

    there are also comcast resellers that do not work for comcast. they claim they do but they don't. One lady came to my door and tried to force her way in and I physically pushed her off my porch and told her to get the **** off my property.

    then you have the illegal electric company resellers scamming you with your obama electric credit.

    All I can say is don't open your door. Ever.

  16. Open my door, then I will schedule something for them that they won't be able to report...... GUARANTEED. and it's legal.

  17. Best advice I've seen. Shoot to kill. They don't belong in or around your home or family.

  18. Has anyone had a person from delmarva power come out and want to do a green energy check? This guy wanted to give us lightbulbs but we had to let a contractor come in and see what needed to be "green"

  19. 8:58 I know someone who recently worked in the sheriff's office and quit for the very reason you stated,calls are treated as a big joke.

  20. Cameras, Cameras, Cameras Folks!


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