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Sunday, September 02, 2018

Flag Status Alert: United States Flag and Maryland Flag are at Half-Staff

As a mark of respect for United States Senator John Sidney McCain III, President Donald J. Trump ordered the United States Flag lowered to half-staff effective immediately until sunset, on the day of interment, Sunday, September 2, 2018. Per Governor Hogan’s previous order, the Maryland Flag will continue to be flown at half-staff until sunset, on the day of interment, as well. As a matter of protocol, no flag may be higher than the United States flag.


  1. McCain
    Got 174 sailors killed
    Took money from the Saudis
    My flag Stays UP

    1. 11:53 is a TRAITOR.

    2. 1244
      Is a pink pussy hat Liberal who hates the truth dosomw research u POS.

    3. Your rainbow flag?

  2. Sorry President Trump, mine is staying up.

  3. Bogus hate propaganda tries to discredit a genuine American hero, but will fail. The American legion and POW’s know that John McCain is a genuine American hero who served the America we all love with distinction.

    1. What makes you so sure that the American and Pows know that McCain is a hero. Did you do a survey. Or are you speaking for them.

  4. John McCain never honored Vladimir Putin. He did not claim that Russia was a friend of the United States of America. He did not seek a deferment from military service., but attended The Naval Academy at Annapolis. He served in combat during the Vietnam War. He suffered imprisionment for more than five years when his fighter plane was shot down over Communist North Vietnam. He refused to,cooperate with the Communist officials and was severely beaten. He was a true American hero. Those who served with Captain McCain recall him as a caring and supportive officer who looked after other American prisioners held by the North Vietnam Communists. Political trash talk and outrageous lies about him cannot diminish his heroism in the face of the enemy.

    1. Oh but it was ok for Russia to help us in WWII ?

    2. Well said. Others on this site listen to lies and mistruths about John McCain, even though they voted for him in 2008.

  5. Hogan ordered it, I didn't bring it down until the President ordered it. Hogan doesn't realize when he can and can't order the American flag lowered.

  6. John McCain such a great man, just look at what this Fu**** did to his 1st. wife when she got crippled and he didn't like her looks any more! He divorced her and left his own children! Such a great man, NO!

  7. May the Lord have mercy on all your hateful souls. It saddens me to see what we have become as evidenced by these comments.

    1. Let the truth be known. Let's not create a hero because the media says so. He was privilege. Had backing of two high ranking officials (father grandfather). Why was he called Song Bird by fellow members in prison. There were many who died in Vietnam and they are the hero's not some you happens to be a senator who hated our president so therefore hated his country trying to defeat President Trump at the expense of the American people. Thanks McCain for your service and thank you men and women who fought in Vietnam for being hero's. All of you. MAGA forever.

    2. 752
      What's sad is how he left his first wife because she became Disfigured were she lost 4" in her legs ....that's a POS.


  8. Put aside for the moment McCain's passing.

    Strongly feel we need to reexamine whatever guidelines exist for putting the flag at half-mast.

    What was once a gesture with a lot of significance has been eroded by overuse of the honor. Throw in like gestures at the state level and the issue multiplies.

    Now back to some discussion about Senator McCain. Should the flag be lowered, and for how long, when an active senator dies? How about for a Representative? Extended time if they were a veteran? A Cabinet member? A justice on the Supreme Court?

    What was done for Ted Kennedy, Justice Scalia, Secretary Ron Brown when they passed away? To me, 8 days in this instance is overdoing it. A day for sure, maybe three.

    The deceased let it be known publicly he didn't want the President attending his funeral, crafted a final broadside from the grave and planned an extended exit at both ends of the country. So be it.

    The White House could have been clearer by announcing the flag would be down for x days as a sign of respect. The up & down & up sequence was clumsy. So be it.

    What do you think?

    1. Yes. It is over used. Need guidelines to bring back it's signifinance. A job for Sessions?


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