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Tuesday, August 07, 2018

WATCH: Statue of Liberty Climber Spews Anti-America Chant Outside Manhattan Court

The activist who climbed the base of the Statue of Liberty on Independence Day spewed an anti-America chant during a news conference on Friday.

Therese Okoumou is facing numerous charges, including trespassing, interference with government agency functions and disorderly conduct for scaling the icon of freedom, according to the New York Post.

However, she appeared outside Manhattan federal court Friday wearing a dress that said, “I really care, why won’t u?” before beginning what she called her "song."

“America, you motherf–kers! You drug addicts! You KKK! You fascist USA," she shouted to her supporters.



  1. Ship this B...H back to her home town trump pull her VISA

  2. Please Uncle Sam, remove this debris and all of it's follower's and supporter's out of this great country. Why should bad actor's (that's the term used frequently today-lol) be allowed to bring us down and steal our joy?

  3. How could someone like her even HAVE supporters?

  4. She has a felony on her Record SEND IN ICE to pu her.

  5. 10:25 AM = Congratulations on being today's winner of the National Punctuation Police Association's Wasted Apostrophe Award! The use of three superfluous apostrophes in a single sentence qualifies you for a place in our annual competition.

    Letters of recognition are already on their way to your grade school and high school English teachers.

  6. she idolizes that other ghetto garbage michelle o so what is to be expected mo and bo were at the beyonce jay z concert last week. that speaks to their ghetto level trashy woman grabbing her crotch so called music glorifying gang life, violence, drugs and crime. calling women whores. what blacks idolize its no wonder they are slaughtering each other how many brains were blown out in chicago this weekend 12. about 60 others shot yep no wonder with the ghetto garbage blacks idolize what's amazing is they are too dumb to figure it out.

  7. Someone forget to change your kitty litter 1106am?


  8. Dave T: This dork needs to get shipped back to where she came from. Personally, Ms. Okoumou be glad I wasn't there to remove you from the statue because I surely would have removed you by pushing you off, then scraping up the splattered remnants of the scum that you are. You are not even a citizen here, and you have no say in how we should live. And that goes for all the other displaced African immigrants coming here. You're in for a very rude awakening if you think people here are going to tolerate you.

  9. I want ICE to pick her up and Deport her Ass.

  10. After she is found guilty she should be taken straight to the airport and put on the first flight out.


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