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Tuesday, August 07, 2018

"Civil Disturbance" Declared After Portland Riot Cops Use Flash Grenades On Antifa

Police in Portland, Oregon declared a civil disturbance on Saturday after counter-protesters from Antifa showed up at a downtown Patriot Prayer rally and threw projectiles at the police, resulting in the deployment of flash grenades.

The disturbance comes around a month after "Rose City" Antifa squared off with conservatives in a violent altercation that took place in the middle of Second Avenue.



  1. Do people even know what they are fighting about?
    A prayer rally get attacked?
    What is wrong with people. Live and let live. I am sure they were not infringing on anyone's rights.

  2. Keep it up goons because when someone gets killed you will become a terrorist organization.

  3. what a load of crap! civil disturbers being UNRESTIVE!

  4. A bunch of leftist liberals getting their butts kicked by the police, good to see.

  5. Good
    CIVIL WAR 2020

  6. the face of DEMOCRACY - mob rule!

  7. Yes it's good to see a city as liberal as Portland pushing back against these idiots. They don't ebee know what their supposedly protesting

  8. A new generation of millennial "adults" stuck permanently in the terrible-twos; throwing fits when losing and getting violent when they don't get their way. Good times ahead!


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