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Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Illegal Aliens Self Deporting to Canada Due to Trump’s Crackdown

Illegal aliens are self deporting to Canada, moving across the northern border due to President Trump’s crackdown on immigration.

A new report by the Washington Post chronicles the stories of multiple illegal aliens who were living in the United States and have now decided to self deport to Canada in order to avoid deportation.

In one case highlighted by the Washington Post, an illegal alien single mother from Eritrea with two U.S.-born anchor babies decided to flee Las Vegas and head to Canada after she was denied asylum. “So now I am here just hoping it gets better,” Mesfin said as she pushed the stroller, while trying to manage her toddler, toward Canada.

Another illegal alien, from Sri Lanka, who has been living illegally in the U.S. since 2005 said he fled from Maryland to Canada after he heard that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) was doing more to combat U.S. businesses hiring illegal aliens over American citizens.

More here


  1. I heard its alot of Haitians. These are mostly what you see working at the chicken plants that are black. Someone told me a Mexican man that the company had notices for them to go to Canada to avoid being sent back to Haiti.

  2. Dave T: Good riddance ! Get out !

  3. Tax savings, as I see it !


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