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Wednesday, August 15, 2018

‘Sudanese immigrant’ drove around for hours before hitting cyclists

The Sudanese-born immigrant accused of bringing terror to Westminster was thrown off his university course and lost his father and brother in the months before he used his Ford Fiesta to plough into crowds, MailOnline can reveal today.

Salih Khater, 29, has been described as a quiet loner who loved Celine Dion, smoking shisha and whiling away time at an internet cafe below his old flat in the Sparkhill area of Birmingham.

Today it emerged Khater was studying accountancy at Coventry University but had his place 'terminated' in May after failing the first year, while friends said his poor English meant he couldn't complete a pharmacy course 12 months earlier.

Police are today searching his tenth floor council flat just ten minutes from the former home of Khalid Masood, whose murderous rampage 17 months ago appears to have inspired Khater's own carborne attack yesterday. Searches of his old flat and a Nottingham house linked to his car have been completed



  1. Finally releasing the ethnicity of the terrorist. As if we didn't surmise that or that it changes much. But the fact that the MSM continues to cover things up that goes against their narrative is aggravating. God forbid Trump wins another argument.

  2. Looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck; call it a duck and you're profiling.


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