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Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Northern New Mexico Compound


  1. That's not a compound. It's a trash heap. Looks like someone was planning on building an Earth Ship home there but was too stupid.

  2. Shocking that officials did not retrieve all weapons and ammo when there was clearly child abuse, suspected neglect resulting in death, terrorist training, trespassing, and loads of other charges and the compound is not being preserved as a crime scene and the Muslim terrorist are not walking the streets. Time to get on the Trump train because Obama's holdovers are working to destroy us.

  3. A lot of nothing that had been reported already

  4. They have already been released and are back at the compound. They said there was not enough evidence to hold them, even though their kids we starving and they were training the kids to carry out a school shooting when they got old enough. AMAZING our court system is messed up!!!


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