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Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Alphabet, Amazon, IBM, and Microsoft Want Hospitals' Data

Google parent Alphabet, Amazon, IBM, Microsoft, and Salesforce.com have launched a campaign for restrictions on data sharing between hospitals to be dropped.

At the Blue Button 2.0 Developer Conference in Washington, D.C., the companiesissued a joint statement against patient data sharing restrictions.

“We are jointly committed to removing barriers for the adoption of technologies for healthcare interoperability, particularly those that are enabled through the cloud and AI,” the companies declared. “We share the common quest to unlock the potential in healthcare data, to deliver better outcomes at lower costs.”

According to CNBC, the companies even proposed building tools “for the health community around a set of common standards for exchanging health information electronically.”



  1. Violation of HIPPA. This is an Obamacare regulation.

  2. 310
    You are correct.
    But these companies benefit financially (their stock holders benefit) from maintenance of the "security" of the people's personal information. Ultimately, the elite already have access to all of our personal information and can use it as they please (they own the information). The elite own the hospitals, you know?

    So these companies will get what they want (because the government is managed by the elites) and the information will be their property. We will have zero privacy. We already have zero privacy. The technology (internet) is being weaponized against the people but the people are so asleep they do not realize what has happened until it is too late.

    You will see what I am predicting. The people (as a whole) will not reject this intrusion, but will embrace it. It is for "our own good" to have all of our information on the internet. Terrible.

  3. These companies need to be shut down!

  4. I am sure the healthcare agencies will do anything they ask for if they pay for it. The medical profession has really gone to pot lately. Right now I really have a bad taste in my mouth for the medical profession.

  5. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor!

  6. Yeah so they know who is sick or not and who is dying or not... Because Bill Gates wants old people dead... All you have to do is watch is publicly televised ted talk... These people tall you their plans to your face, and you are that stupid you can't see it...


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