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Sunday, August 12, 2018

Statement from Governor Larry Hogan on Racist Demonstrations

ANNAPOLIS, MD – Governor Larry Hogan today issued the following statement on planned white supremacist demonstrations in Virginia and Washington, D.C.:

"Hate has no place in our society, and these white supremacists and the racism and bigotry they spew are not welcome in our state – today, this weekend, or ever. As we face this invasion of vile and perverted ideology infesting our region, we stand united in our conviction that a diverse and inclusive Maryland is a stronger Maryland.

“In Maryland, people of all backgrounds and beliefs can make a home, and this diversity is celebrated throughout our state. That will never change as long as I am governor.

“We stand ready to provide any needed assistance to our regional partners as they prepare to deal with the ramifications of these despicable rallies. I have directed state agencies, including the Maryland State Police, Maryland Emergency Management Agency, and the Governor's Office of Homeland Security, to coordinate efforts with their D.C. and Virginia counterparts to ensure the safety of all of our citizens.”


  1. But, blm can get together anytime they want?! You'll have a hard time making me believe they aren't a hate group.

  2. Hell yeah Hogan! Screw the alt right nazis

  3. No room for hate in our country.

    1. I agree get rid of BLM and The Black Panthers and race baiget Al Sharpton paid for by Soros.

  4. Way to go Hogan. Yeah all white people who want to embrace their race are vile.

    You sir are vile and won’t get my vote again.

    1. I think the issue here is these certain folks have speeches about cleansing and master races and fly flags of those who denounce others as sub humans. Not exactly having themselves a italian festival or celebrating their polish descent with screwing in light bulbs and pierogies. In there lies the issue, unless you agree with those doctrines.

    2. You dont have to be racist and burn crosses to embrace your heritage idiot

    3. I'm sure hes going to miss the white supremacist vote from you bud

    4. Ben Jealous is better, idiot?

  5. Is that why we are a lawless sanctuary state mr hogan

    1. Nah, the fact that you think white supremacy shouldn't be denounced is why you're trash though

    2. Do you feel the same about the other races? My guess is NO.

  6. 201, if you actually believe in white supremacy, then clearly you don't understand how the American system is supposed to work. LOL

  7. It's a commin folks , sooner than later , I'm white and proud of it , I also have LEARNED to hate blacks . I've been taught by the blacks to hate them accomplished 100%.

  8. But blacks can have BLM and the Black panther groups they Aint SUPREMACISTS ??
    I am proud of being white and you call me a Supremacist Nazi ??

  9. Sounds like the good governor that I voted for speaks with the wind. Did he realize that blacks interrupted a Christmas parade in one of his Maryland towns (Salisbury) as they call it The Bury (sad).

  10. What a tool - the so-called "white supremacists" are fascist Democrats.

  11. To politicians it depends what kind of hate.

  12. Yet black lives dont matter ( unless harmed by whites ) and any anti white racist group is welcome!

  13. A question for Larry Hogan. If you were to look in the closets of 1,000 conservative Republicans in the area you are concerned about, then looked in the closets of 1,000 Democrat liberals, which group could muster up 100 KKK outfits for an immediate demonstration, and which group would have to go out and buy white cloth and sewing machines and delay the demonstration for at least 2 weeks?

    See what I mean?

  14. Kneeling during the Anthem isn't invoking racism?

    1. No, actually, not at all. Next question.

  15. Go home racists and racist sympathizers!

  16. Hogan's nothing but a tool a useful idiot for the left. Just because someone is proud of their race and think they are superior doesn't mean they hate other races. Hogans a little man with no backbone and I hope he loses. He's done nothing positive anyway and having a Republican governor means nothing in MD. Anyway he isn't a real Republican. His beliefs and actions prove this. He's a lying fake. All he's ever done was lowered a few fees by peanuts here and there. Big deal.

  17. I can't stand hogan. All he is doing is showing off. How dare he offer to put our LE in potential harms way so he can show off and try to make himself look sanctimonious. The fat slob should go himself and get in the front lines if he feels so strongly about this.

  18. Can we get rid of Hogan soon. What a DELUSIONAL POS. I wonder how he would feel if he wasn't governor living in say Salisbury. Watching these animals destroy everything. ATTACK whites like a pack of wolves because they can't do it one on one. Coward's.

  19. Hogan only believes in non-whites / illegals / Muslims / gangs and drug dealers. They get what they want from MD and the bullying Liberal Socialist Democrats, includes Hogan in these groups. The rest of us get the shaft.

  20. So you are all ready to start a civil war because the governor makes an anti-nazi statement. So you would all be supportive if he gave a pro-nazi statement?

  21. He sounds just like a moron liberal.

  22. I agree Hogan is a RINO...but just imagine Ben Jealous as governor....

  23. All of you who are degrading Hogan...you would rather a Ben Jealous instead? As if things aren't bad enough in Maryland. It isn't all Hogan...it is the democrats who run the state government. I don't agree with the hate speeches as that doesn't accomplish anything. ANTIFA et al are a flash in the pan that will soon peter out. Mainstream African Americans are coming around to the fact they have (are) being "played"; how much progress has the NAACP made since the 60s?

  24. Hey Hogan, but it's okay for Blacks and Socialists to practice hate and hate crimes against others, right?

  25. Hogan is a puppet for Mike Miller and everyone knows it. You can bet Miller has a hand in this somehow. If Hogan isn't siding with the blacks and illegals then why are the KKK and other factions allowed their right to 'peaceful' assembly? The answer is Boyd Rutherford. Hogan wants the Baltimore vote and the D.C. beltway vote bloc and he knows he can't get it without a sell-out to the lieutenant gov.
    Wow, what a sellout and disappointment he's been.

  26. If you mouth breathers truly think the Governor of Maryland should make a statement praising White Supremacy then you are delusional.

  27. Don't be stupid people. No one said jealous was better anywhere-did they??? What people are saying is in MD a Republican governor especially a pretend one is useless so he needs to be put in his place and slapped down by the real Republican party and voted out so as to deter any other charlatans. In the mean time the party can focus on finding and promoting a real Republican.

  28. 9:55 You people are beyond ignorant. hogan should keep his mouth shut. What goes on in VA/DC is none of his business. He's looking to show off is all. If he cared one bit about race and blacks Baltimore City wouldn't be a s-hole war zone.

  29. "Anonymous said...

    So you are all ready to start a civil war because the governor makes an anti-nazi statement. So you would all be supportive if he gave a pro-nazi statement?

    August 10, 2018 at 8:37 PM"

    It's not the statement it's the hypocrisy. He's not really a Republican he a democrat. All democrats are void of any and all morals and are hypocrites and he is the perfect example. He feels so compelled to insert himself and pretend outrage in what he defines as so called hate then he sure as hell should have said something about Walters and her call of violence toward the President's supporters. But he didn't. This proves he is a democrat all of whom are liars and lack any morals and common decency.

  30. Maryland deserves Jealous.

  31. white nationalists weren’t responsible for turning Baltimore into the murder capital of America last year. Maybe Hogan should be more concerned about the black marxists running that city into the ground.

  32. Lets see, we have black colleges, black beauty pageants, black lives matter, NAACP, BET, JET Magazine, etc, but if there was any reference to an all white event or any of the above being replace with the word white, that would be racist!
    But black people can be singled out as a group and do whatever the hell they want, but that not racist.
    It's no wonder there is a racial divide in this country! A new civil war and race war is coming. I feel this country is going to break up on racial and ideological boundaries. Won't end well for the human weeds as quoted my Margaret Sanger founder of planned parenthood!

  33. Concerning inferior races, maybe Hitler wasn't all that wrong!

  34. @11:44 I have to agree!! Who really needs all the conflict and drama that goes with trying to exist with these people

  35. RINO Larry STFU!! That was not a White Supremacist Protest it was an ANTIFA Protest. You are one dumb idiot that proves you are a Libtard every day!

  36. Hey Larry Hogan the RINO, what the Hell do those protests in Virginia and D.C. have to d with you or the State of Maryland? You need to start minding your own business.

  37. What's amazing is the utter stupidity of Carozza. She must have the IQ of a peanut. Or she is so out of touch with voters that she will be useless for the district as a legislator. Her signs have added Hogan endorsed as if that is something to be proud of. Is she so clueless that she doesn't get Hogan isn't exactly liked on most of the Shore? This due to his acting so low class, ill bred, and like a fat whiny baby before, during and after the presidential elections.
    Personally I am not voting for Hogan. I'm leaving that race blank First time in over 30 years I have not voted for a governor but I don't feel he is deserving of my vote so he won't get it.

  38. 12:41
    I totally agree with you. I also plan to vote, but I will leave the vote for the governor blank for the first time. I'm afraid it is a lose lose ticket.


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