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Sunday, August 12, 2018

Maryland Dem Gov Candidate Ben Jealous Swears At Reporter


  1. You can remove them from the hood, but you will never remove the hood from them.

  2. So Ben was that a yes or a no? Way to get around actually answering the question, such low life trash.

  3. What a POS and this is the best we have?

  4. He's ghetto fabulous

  5. That will cost him some votes.

  6. Just what you would expect from a low life democrat!

  7. Such a gentleman wonder if he will blame his white dad?

  8. Today's society.

  9. A vote for Democrats is a vote against America.

    1. Dems are the new social Communists Traitors.

  10. As much as i despise the rino hogan. I pray we dont elect another deceiver democrat. I would rather vote with my feet and move out of MD

  11. He's an absolute socialist!! Check out your local socialist Dan Ohare and Kirkland Hall's picture with this clown. Free everything for everybody is their belief. They even want to include opening up the borders to all and include everyone in this great giveaway

  12. No wonder why his wife left him.

  13. that’s how to keep it classy.... f bombing away certainly shows character

  14. He is a Racist social Communist POS.

  15. He is whiter than me.

  16. Hey Ben... Was that a freakin' yes or a freakin' no?
    Just freakin' say what is on your freakin' mind.
    By the way: Thanks for being such a fine freakin' role model for my freakin' kids.

  17. This Socialist Piece of Sh!t is the hero of Jamaad Gould, Jake Burdett, Jared Schablein, Michele Gregory, Dan O'Hare and Seamus Benn. All Wicomico ANTIFA Progressives who are running for office or lost in their Democrat primary in Wicomico County.

    They are not even real Democrats, they are Douche Bags trying to start their own group call the Lower Shore Progressive Caucus.

    And these are the people we want making decisions for our children or our taxes??

    1. let's not forget other crap

      like the Dems

      S. Olsen and Jackie Finch

  18. Go back to the NAACP and stir up racial tensions there

  19. Dan Ohare has to be the biggest puss going. This guy bows down to every ethnic group apologizing for being oppressed by the white man. This moron thinks giving them everything their hearts desire will right century old wrongdoings. He even believes we should support people worldwide and their health and education needs. Last time I checked Ohare you ARE white and like most of us that are a little older and wiser your newfound "ethnic" friends will evenyevent turn on you once they can't get anything else from you. Can't wait to see if you can actually handle yourself big boy or like Im assuming your just a big sissy

  20. Ben Jealous employs a local man by the name of Jerad Lee Halcott. Check him out on Maryland case search. Quite a record to be going around and knocking on doors.

  21. He's a community organizer that ran the NAACP. His venture capitalist company used grants for most of the phony startups. Oh...and he from California.

  22. The Party of Liberal Jim!

  23. Mr Jealous understands that to many progressive is a euphonium of socialist.

    The real story here is, the reporter for the Washington Post actually got caught engaging in unbiased journalism.


  24. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Ben Jealous employs a local man by the name of Jerad Lee Halcott. Check him out on Maryland case search. Quite a record to be going around and knocking on doors.

    August 9, 2018 at 7:11 AM

    I'll predict that Ron Pagano will be working for him too, and probably Rick Pollitt and Michael Pretl.

  25. Correction to SBJ 8:35 AM euphonium should be euphemism.


  26. Dave T: Has Maryland ever had a good governor? Ehrlich seems to have been the best I've seen yet. Seems like this state is destined to produce losers for leaders. What a mess.

  27. And he was the leader of Maryland's NAACP. He apparently thought he was at one of their meetings...


  28. What does Liberal Jim have to say about Ben 'Potty Mouth' Jealous now?

  29. Well that will garner alot of votes no doubt.

  30. Drops f bomb to a FEMALE reporter in a aggressive manner. Mainstream media NOT cover it. Women's March will NOT talk about it. Disgusting person to curse like that to a women asking a very honest question. Very intimidating and emotional for her. He is blaming his WHITE DAD.


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