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Sunday, August 12, 2018

Governor Hogan Has All Jack Heath Signs Removed In Wicomico County

It turns out Delegate Carl Anderton and Bunky Luffman were behind having Jack Heath campaign signs located directly next to Governor Hogan signs, making it appear as if Hogan supports/endorses Jack Heath. When Governor Hogan learned this had happened he immediately demanded they be removed and guess what, they have been throughout the County. 

Governor Hogan strongly endorses and supports County Executive Bob Culver. Anderton and Luffman should be ashamed of themselves for trying to pull this scam off. Many/Most are calling Anderton a Liberal and he's certainly wearing that title well. 

People should be asking why Gillis/Gilkerson donated over $3,000.00 to the Anderton campaign recently. Liberals supporting Liberals???


  1. make an Anderton correction soon.

  2. $3000 gilkerson could have bought more Jake day waterfront city tax payer Property for that amount.

    1. I bet jakey boy get a kick back.

  3. Wicomico County and Salisbury is no different than the U.S. government. Crooked and dishonest. They will do anything and say anything for a vote. Bob Culver is really the only choice for this position and our Governor knew this.The good ole boys lost this time. LOL!!! Gillis/Gilderson has sure profited off of the City of Salisbury and now they want to profit off of the county. This is corruption all the way.

    1. And, once they drain the city and county financial resources, they all get to retire comfortably in Florida. Thank you, taxpayers.

  4. About time the good governor does something to improve his image on the E.S.

  5. Heath is no more aligned with Hogan than he is the Man in the Moon. If elected he'll be the puppet of Jake Day. Rainbow crosswalks county-wide and good-old-boy land deals like you've never seen.

  6. let's vote on who is sick of the Gillis/Gilkerson cabal!

  7. Good!
    We were getting annoyed by seeing all those Heath signs posted on rental properties, probably not with the permission of the renters. That goes for the 4x8 foot ones, too!

  8. You are entitled to make donations to another person's campaign. I would say the same is true of Gillis/Gilkerson. You don't like it I suppose. You sound like a baby bully/ Mommy, Mommy slap Gillis/Gilkerson 'cause they made a donation to somebody I don't. This is America and we do have a choice. Remember

    When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser --SOCRATES

    and slander is all you know.

  9. Every day that goes by Jake day, jack Heath, and the rest of the city and county(Dunn) misfits look like total dumbasses. Days list of screw ups just keeps growing. The sad thing is these people actually think Palmer gilliss, and the rest of the Salisbury thieves consider them friends. These guys have robbed salisbury and wicomico county for decades. Cannon don't think o forgot about you, you're one of the worst

  10. Ol' Commie Carl voted for the Gun Ban bill recently. He NEEDS TO GO! As for Bunk, he's got Carl's puppet strings on him to guide his every move.

  11. Carl is a big Libtard. I hear he's trying to get an even bigger bikeshare program for Delmar than the one Day put in Salisbury. His bikes are going to be bright green to represent save the earth.

  12. Vote for Heath if you want your taxes raised in Wicomico. He supports repealing the Revenue tax cap. Same with Bill McCain.

  13. Half the time those two show up at events dressed like CLOWNS in pink sport blazers, white loafers, and yellow fedoras.

  14. 11:20 AM - that's not all true. Some people got paid $50 and more to have the big signs put on their properties.

  15. It's obvious what's going on here. Carl wants to be County Executive. If Heath, an Independent gets in there, he can run against him. Pretty sneaky of him though. Poor Bunky big lummox gets drug along through all Carl's shenanigans.

  16. Absolutely liberals support liberals, that's the way they work and obviously don't care how they go about it either

  17. Anderton is another Hogan talked a good talk to get elected then turned traitor. Remember at election time.

  18. Salisbury, wicomico county, state of Maryland you have some pretty pathetic representatives from your eastern shore area.

  19. Gillis/Gilkerson is the money behind the schemes. Deep a watchful eye on them.

  20. Gillis also donated money to Carozza.

  21. Palmer Gillis has his nose up the asses of many politicians, not just Anderton's.

  22. "It's obvious what's going on here. Carl wants to be County Executive. If Heath, an Independent gets in there, he can run against him."

    Kid Carl should be old enough for his want's not to hurt, because he has absolutely no experience in anyhing (including Annapolis). This guy got my vote and many other's not for merit, but to rid of stale Norm. He will be in stale Norm's shoes the next time. It is sad to have to vote for someone, only to get rid of someone.
    Just say no to Heath and Anderton.

    Trump/Pence 2020!

  23. It seems that Gillis is trying to be the Soros of Salisbury, Wicomico area...this name seems to be at the root of numerous problems and issues

  24. Palmer gilliss, John cannon, and this newcomer from his half assed veteran builders ARE the problems in salisbury/wicomico county. They're as crooked and deceitful as they come

  25. UPDATE: National folk festival director Caroline O'Hare husband has jumped to a platform about the chesepeake bay now after all the debris showing up. He also has another fund raiser scheduled with a whopping 30 people interested. Can you guess the venue? Yep another bar of course. He has to be able to consume his whiskey whole feeding everyone a line of shit

  26. Dan Ohare can't be seen in any picture without a glass of whiskey in his hand!! This what you want as a 37b delegate?? Enough already with Jake day and merry ferry entourage

  27. I bet old Larry hogan will rethink all future meetings and photo ops with dipstick Jake day. What a 'MO. Rush right into wasting 500,000 on this amphitheatre knowing it was not within code

  28. 11:50 spot on but that message isn't getting out and needs to,Anderton sure fooled everyone.

  29. Listen up people, I get tired of everybody coming onto a blog to pick on me. You think you can do this job then man up and meet me at the polls. That's what I thought you are all too chickenshits to do it that's why I run unapposed. I'm the man with the plan,I've got it figured out, so know your role and SHUT the HELL UP!!!!

    1. Do you need a binkie and your care bear blanket, Little Carl? Grow the hell up. This is what politics is like. It’s a down and dirty game. If you can’t hang with it then move on! Go back to doing your bug job full time and quit trying to play with the big boys. You’re a fish out of water with those kids. You’re an amateur, a novice.

    2. And by the way, there’s nothing I would post here that I wouldn’t say to your face directly. Go get yourself some big boy pants and drop a nut or two. Your whining makes you look like a schmuck. Of course we already knew that, didn’t we?

  30. Either Hogan failed to remove all Heath's signs or he has replaced them.

  31. Did Carl Anderton Jr. actually send this to the Blogg ?
    I cannot believe a Representative would stoop
    this low to trash himself with vulgarity!

    You just missed my vote Mr. Anderton!

  32. Joe, Are you going to do candidate interviews like you have in the past for the local county races? If you don't have the equipment. you could ask them to provide written answers to important questions because the candidate forums that the mainstream media and others do are total BS.

  33. Why would Gillis/Gilkerson be giving Carl Anderton contributions when Carl doesn't have an opponent?

    Paying for Favors is what he is doing.

  34. Please be more specific when accusing Gillis Gilkerson of "robbed salisbury and wicomico county for decades". Please let us know what you mean 11:25?

  35. About the only move Hogan has done right, he's as bad as our own "fake Jake".

  36. I agree with 6:56 hope you do have a forum for our elections so everyone can see who they should cast their vote for.

  37. LOLOLOLOL, I can't believe that Carl actually posted that on here. If he did, he's dumber than I thought. Dude, get a grip..."if you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen!" Way to stoop to their level and show yourself. I can't stop shaking my head! LOLOLOL

  38. Jack Heath is the most arrogant and entitled person I have ever met. After being around him for several years, I can say without question that he firmly believes he is better than everyone else. He looks down on working class people like the peons he thinks we are. When he decided to run for office, his reasoning was "These people are idiots,I need to get in there and fix this." Of course he lost that election and had to get on the council by having his buddy Jake appoint him to take his seat when he became Mayor. Jack is the king of backroom deals and complete manipulation of every situation because of course he knows best. He doesn't want anyone to know how decisions are really made because he knows they are just what he wants, not what's in the best interest of the people he serves. He says he cares, but he doesn't even know how.

  39. Anderton would be better off minding his own business and representing his constituents than worrying about Heath and Culver race. Always a busy body, sucking up to local politicians, Anderton has never actually fit in with the political class here. He’s just posing at being a delegate. When it comes down to brass tacks, he’s just a fraud regardless of affiliation. Vote him out.


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