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Thursday, August 09, 2018

GOP-funded Planned Parenthood launches anti-Kavanaugh campaign

Planned Parenthood, the left-wing baby-murdering organization currently subsidized by taxpayer dollars courtesy of the Republican majority in Congress, will launch a new campaign to oppose President Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court Wednesday.

The Daily Beast’s Gideon Resnick reports that Planned Parenthood Action fund, the National Women’s Law Center, Center for American Progress, and other groups will launch a #DearSenators campaign featuring stories from women talking about their abortions and why they support Roe v. Wade and oppose Brett Kavanaugh. The fear is that Kavanaugh’s Senate confirmation could overturn the landmark decision that legalized baby-killing nationwide.

The first ad in the new campaign features a woman discussing her illegal abortion in the era before Roe.



  1. He will get in they will not stop it.

  2. Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell needs to go they always give in to the bullying tactics of the Democrat / Liberal / Socialist.


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