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Thursday, August 09, 2018

Out of the shadows: FBI corruption probe about to put Bruce Ohr in the hot seat

The weaponization of the FBI's counterintelligence operations on behalf of Hillary Clinton's presidential candidacy is the greatest political scandal in American history. The dramatic story is unfolding before our eyes, and the key point to remember is that declassification of key documents is controlling the pace of the story – and President Trump has the ability to declassify anything he sees fit to share with the American public.

This alone should be enough to strike terror in the heart of anyone implicated in this scheme. But when you consider that Donald Trump is the most successful reality television producer in the history of that medium, and therefore is a master of dramatic pacing, and that the midterm election in November is the prize at stake, then there is reason to believe that the American public is about to learn a lot of disturbing news about the Deep State before people go to the polls.

The public already has learned a lot of about James Comey, Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, and the disturbing Peter Strzok.

But so far, Bruce Ohr, formerly the associate deputy attorney general (number four in the DOJ, reporting to Sally Yates before she was fired for insubordination), has remained in the shadows. That is about to change.

More here

1 comment:

  1. Perp walk, trial, conviction, stamping out license plates until about 2050.


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