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Thursday, August 09, 2018

RGA Slams Abrams for Loaning $50,000 to Campaign While Owing $54,000 to IRS

The Republican Governors Association (RGA) launched a television ad on Tuesday lambasting Stacey Abrams, a tax attorney and Democratic nominee for governor of Georgia, over a decision to loan her campaign $50,000 while owing over $54,000 to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

The ad, which comes only weeks after Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp obtained the Republican nomination for governor, attempts to paint Abrams as lacking the fiscal restraint and judgment required to serve as a state's chief executive.

"Stacey Abrams is a tax attorney, she made a million dollars over the past five years," the ad's narrator states. "But she didn’t even pay her own $54,000 tax bill. Instead, she loaned herself $50,000 to run for governor. Nice present. Guess every day is Christmas for Stacey Abrams."

In March, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that Abrams owed more than $54,000 in back income taxes to the IRS and had over $170,000 combined in credit card and student loan debt. Financial disclosure forms filed with Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign Finance Commission show she owed the IRS $40,201 for income earned in 2015 and $13,851 for 2016.


1 comment:

  1. This is actually what I am talking about. Politicians are nothing but kleptocracy. They continuously steal from the poor, disabled, elders, struggling hard working family's to preserve their own lavish lifestyles and do absolutely nothing for us who have to work like dogs until we die. Oh! Don't let us get sick and have to reach out for assistance. We're $hit out of luck. Abrams had twenty years to clear her debts. But, I guess she thought by becoming a governor, her debt would be paid off by the taxpayers. I'm so glad that I didn't use loans to go to college. Back in the old days, we worked hard during the summer and I mean hard to save money for college tuitions and books. We had parents who provided for us if they could. We never took the easy way out even if it took us beyond the four years to acquire our degree. Democrats are nothing but thieves. Just look at how they live and how they do nothing for their constituents in their own district. Abrams probably looked at Maxine Waters as her protege. Unfortunately, Americans keep voting these kleptocracy into political offices.


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