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Thursday, August 09, 2018

Expert: 170 Registered Voters in Ohio’s 12th District Listed as Over 116 Years Old

Republican Troy Balderson clings to a narrow margin in last night’s special election for Ohio’s 12th Congressional district, underscoring the impact voter fraud can have in key elections around the country.

The separation of 1700 votes, or less than one percent, highlights the recent attempt by Democratic activists to fight efforts to prevent voter fraud from occurring.

For the past four years, George Soros has spent millions of dollars trying to weaken Ohio’s election security by funding efforts to both block its implementation of Voter ID and prevent the state from removing inaccurate registrations.

Soros pledged $5 million to fund Clinton campaign attorney Marc Elias’s efforts to fight voter ID laws in Ohio and two other states ahead of the 2016 election.

In 2016, liberal activist groups Demos and the ACLU filed suit against the state of Ohio in an attempt to stop its efforts to remove inaccurate voter registrations from its rolls. Soros gave 1.25 million to Demos in 2016, on top of the more than $3 million he had given in previous years. And Soros has been even more generous with the ACLU, giving over $35 million for Trump related lawsuits.

Ultimately, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Ohio’s efforts in a 5-4 decision earlier this year.

But even with voter ID and cleansed voter rolls, there are still problems with Ohio elections.

More here


  1. Democrat lost. End of story.

  2. I bet all those 116 year-olds are still getting social security checks too LOL!


  3. Must be a screw-up somewhere. Hillary, Pelosi, Barry Sotero, Bernie, Fauxahontas, etc. all told us for years Republicans would be pushing granny off the cliff.

  4. The Dumbocrat party is organized crime.

  5. Those 116 year old's went to school with Hillary, so they are legit.


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