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Thursday, August 09, 2018

Biden Foundation Targets Parents Who Don’t Support Child’s Gender Transition

The Joe Biden Foundation has launched a campaign that seeks to protect gender-confused children from parents who do not affirm their desire to transition to a gender that is incompatible with their biological sex.

A press release from the former vice president’s foundation Tuesday states the new initiative, dubbed “As You Are,” claims it is parental rejection that leads to the high rates of severe mental illness among LGBTQ youth:

More here


  1. 'Severe mental illness'?

    Slow Joe is a bona fide expert!

  2. The perverted old fart needs to be in an old age home along with that goofy robot thing he is married to.

  3. I believe in a completely different As You Are. How about As You Were Born. If you were born male you will always be male and if you were born female you will always be female no matter what you pay some doctor to cut off or add.

  4. Joe for president
    Maxine for Vp

  5. Dave T: Interesting. From what I can remember from my childhood, normal kids worried about things like recess, fun, games and friends. Sex was not even a topic for young children because at that age they didn't understand. Why is it that people today now have to use the education system and politics as a recruiting center to promote the LGBT lifestyle among today's youth. And here comes big Joe Jackass with more bright ideas from the big hope and change days to brighten our lives with additional crap from the politically correct. Oh, I know Joe, you know better from all your great experience and knowledge that foolish working, middle class people just can't understand. Keep telling yourself that, and watch what happens. Marie Antoinette had a very similar outlook on the public and it paid her real dividends.

    1. Spot on Dave T, take the f’ing government indoctrination crap out of schools!

  6. Look at all the pictures in the clip. Notice "HANDS ON BIDEN" has a grip on things.

    1. He is a PEODOPHILE.

    2. Yes and I pray for the day one if these people STAND up and announce it!

  7. 4:21...one of your best post. Well said!


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