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Thursday, August 09, 2018

Ingraham: ‘This Isn’t About Alex Jones — It’s About Freedom and Access to Information’

Tuesday on Fox News Channel’s “The Ingraham Angle” during her show’s monologue, host Laura Ingraham questioned the motives of tech companies, including Facebook and Apple, banning Alex Jones and Infowars from its platforms.

Ingraham argued the focus shouldn’t be on what was banned but the idea that the public’s freedom to make these choices on their own was being infringed upon.

Partial transcript as follows:

INGRAHAM: Remember what Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg told the Senate hearing back in April?

MARK ZUCKERBERG, CEO, FACEBOOK: There’s certain content that clearly, we do not allow. Hate speech, terrorist content, nudity, anything that makes people feel unsafe in the community. From that perspective, that’s what we generally try to refer to what we do as a platform for all ideas.

INGRAHAM: A platform for all ideas. Really? Over the past few months, Facebook and other tech giants have given us ample reasons to doubt that proclamation. The latest example started early yesterday morning when Apple pulled several podcasts associated with the controversial and incendiary Alex Jones. Facebook followed suit, unpublishing four of Jones’ pages, claiming that the videos on those pages violated that hate speech policy. Hours later YouTube decided it wasn’t going to miss out on all that censorship fun and YouTube suspended the Alex Jones channel with its 2.4 million subscribers.



  1. I guess these pundits don't want government meddling in things until they decide they want the government meddling in things.

    Last I checked, Facebook was a private company and it could do as it pleased. We might not like it, but this isn't limiting speech or choice.

    Alex Jones still has his show and his site where he can free speech his crazy little mind out.

    Facebook (or anyone really) isn't obligated to give anyone a platform.

  2. The library swamp needs to be drained in America. Nothing but a bunch of pansy liberal women afraid of their shadow, in love with their abortionist and lgbtq children’s writers. Flamboyant homosexuals and a few metro males make up the rest of the pc team guiding library culture and doctrine. They support and promote anything and everything perverted, backward, indecent, anti-Christian, anti American, etc... These tattooed purple haired armybooted liberals practice victimism daily. They feel as though they give the communists, criminals, perverts, scumbags and general lowlifes a voice to express their deviance and that this is a productive and meaningful practice designed to enrich our community and lives. Smh.

  3. 2:47
    You would be wrong. Check again.

    Facebook was created by, and is managed by the Central Intelligence Agency. Zuckerberg is merely an asset, the “face” of the enterprise.

    It is an integral part of mind control


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