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Friday, August 10, 2018

Chicago: Police Have Made No Arrests for Weekend's 70-Plus Shooting Victims

Chicago police have made no arrests for the weekend’s 70-plus shooting victims as witnesses to the incidents refuse to come forward.

On August 6, Breitbart News reported on the violent weekend, noting that 11 of the 70-plus shooting victims died.

USA Today reports that witnesses are refusing to come forward to name suspects in the shootings. In fact, wounded shooting victims are refusing to speak as well.



  1. So im guessing no cameras in chicago

  2. Good...put the resources where they are needed. Why spend money on a lost cause?
    What ever happen to the time put in picking up trash, tires, and debris from a area in Salisbury. Did the residents continue with the project and spruce things up?

  3. Democratic rule at its finest!!

  4. Thank you Joe - have a blessed day.

  5. This can be Maryland if Ben Jealous has his way in Maryland......

  6. Arrest Obonzo's buddy Rahm for criminal negligence.

  7. The Mayor is an idiot. It's time to roll in the National Guard. He and his police dept. obviously have no handle on the city what so ever.


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