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Friday, August 10, 2018

Immigrants Using Nearly 60 Percent More Food Stamps than Native Born Americans

Illegal and legal immigrants are using nearly 60 percent more U.S. taxpayer-funded food stamps than native born Americans, data from the leading immigration research group reveals.

A study conducted by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) found that the majority of the more than 1.5 million foreign nationals entering the country every year use about 57 percent more food stamps than the average native born American household.

Overall, immigrant households consume 33 percent more cash welfare than American citizen households and 44 percent more in Medicaid dollars. This straining of public services by a booming 44 million foreign born population translates to the average immigrant household costing American taxpayers$6,234 in federal welfare.



  1. Wel fare. Why ,!?. They use. Groceries, ? Snap snap EBT. credit card for Salmon (>()), crabs (--< >--) and stake. Sell for proffits.

    Say No !!! To liberals.

  2. Legal citizens on welfare better wake up! The democrats are selling you down stream to accommodate the illegals. They don't care about Americans they just want the illegals to vote for them so they keep giving them something for free.

  3. Folks either these people are taking your jobs, OR they are sucking up welfare. Which one is it?


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