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Friday, August 10, 2018

Royal Plus Electric Owner Mark Odachowski Pays It Forward With TRUMP 2020 Flags

Some jackass started spreading the rumor that Mark Odachowski has made over $100,000.00 with all the TRUMP 2020 Flags during the White Marlin Open. This rumor is absolutely RIDICULOUS!

Mark has purchased, (so far) over 400 flags and has GIVEN AWAY every single flag. He has not accepted a single penny and in fact has Paid It Forward. Anyone researching the cheapest costs for these  flags are around $5.95 each and it doesn't matter what volume you buy. 

I spoke with Mark last night and this morning and he was truly bummed out that some Idiots are out there spreading such a rumor. In fact, he'd like to ask everyone who received a free flag to consider giving some kind of donation to their favorite charity. He mentioned Wounded Warriors, St. Jude, our local Republican Clubs or directly to the Trump Campaign.

Mark, nor I, (when I receive my 500 flags) have any interest in making a dime off these flags. There's a movement like we've never seen before on the Shore and the requests have been truly overwhelming! The nay sayers can scream from the top of the mountain but I can assure you, NO ONE is listening. 

It's just a shame that some people are so negative that they'll spread such lies. SBYNews simply wants to clear the air with the TRUTH. There's not a single person who can ever claim Mr. Odachowski charged a single penny for the hundreds of flags he gave away, end of story. 


  1. Joe and everyone else, just ignore the trolls, let them spew their hate and lies!!!!! They pretty much hate America and that is the only conclusion you can come to when you have people who do and say these kinds of things... This is also what happens when you don't go alone to get along with the establishment politicians... This is the tactics they use, and they use it on everyone even celebrities and famous people... They did it to Michael Jackson for his decisions to come clean about the pedophilia in the upper echelon world, funny thing is, they killed MJ but the truth still came out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Great work Mark and Joe - ignore the naysayers. They always have the biggest mouths. Silent majority lives on...but we aren't going to be so silent anymore! Trump 2020.

  3. I would love to get one, and will meet Mr. O at Christian Shelter and hand them $20 as a donation.

  4. I will meet you Joe and have a $40 check in hand for you to send to ST Jude So Nobody can blame me for faking a donation or I will have a check and envelope addressed to ST Jude so you can see me put it in a mailbox.

  5. Joe I will email you my info so we can meet when you get them in. So keep 2 for me and my donation to ST Jude.

  6. The tide is rising!

  7. Liberals are liars

  8. Heck even if he was selling them what is the big deal? People don't have to buy them if they don't want to. He's not forcing people to buy and display them.

  9. Joe

    The liberal that started the rumor has nothing better to do since he or she probably doesn’t have a job and are living of the backs of hard working Americans!!! To this person who started the rumor Go To Hell!!!

  10. Left wing looneys are telling lies about him and he hes a right to be PO'ed.

  11. See my comment in the later post regarding the White Marlin Open regarding the new stupid parking system at the inlet parking lot. It was less than 1/2 full early afternoon on a really hot Thursday.

  12. I think I had my flag before the president was elected. I'm not a nautical person, but do have my vice's. Anyway you look at it, this is a beautiful sight. Love to see more of it across our great country. Thank you Mr. President!

  13. I'd like to have a flag!!!

  14. 1:12 better to be po'ed and not peed on!!! If he can't stand the heat....better get out of the kitchen....

  15. Aww. Mark's a great man! Some are jealous and hateful..keep up the great work


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