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Monday, July 16, 2018

Public university seeking 'practitioner of feminist activism' professor

A job posting at Portland State University is raising some eyebrows among pro-lifers.

The public research university is seeking to hire a professor to teach classes on “reproductive justice” and “social justice activism,” but the school says the instructor is not required to support abortion, Campus Reform reported.

“We know that phrases like ‘abortion’ are not as popular, so pro-choice groups often call their work reproductive justice or say it is about reproductive health to mask the true aim,” Students for Life spokesman Matt Lamb told the campus watchdog organization.

But the Department Chair, Windston Grady-Willis, told Fox News that “the job posting does not indicate that applicants must have viewpoints of any kind.”

He added that none of the positions in the department "require applicants to hold certain viewpoints as a condition of hiring." Something he said would violate academic freedom.

“There is no mention of abortion in the posting. That's why it says reproductive justice, not abortion rights,” university spokesman Christopher Broderick said.



  1. When are we the people going to take back America ?

  2. Reproductive justice = birth.


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