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Monday, July 16, 2018

The Racism of the Alleged Affronted

At the Consortium of Higher Education for LGBT Resource Professionals, one learns that at an upcoming webinar, "queer and trans people of color are welcome to join and engage in or observe the space. However, we do want to provide a content warning that in these spaces we hope white folks will process our thoughts and behaviors in a learning environment so we can address them and discuss and [sic] tactics of decentering whiteness."

The topic is "How our institutions center whiteness as a dominant narrative and how we can decenter whiteness at an organizational level. Facilitators: Jesse Beal, they/them, Director, Women's and Gender Center, Amherst College" and "Kayla Lisenby, they/them or she/her, Assistant Director, LGBTQ Center, Wake Forest University."

Under the social justice rubric, being born white makes one evil, plain and simple. In fact, according to Dr. Kathy Obear, one can either be a good white ally or a bad one. Thus, everything is seen through the prism of race.



  1. These people don’t belong teaching at learning institutions, they belong as patients at mental institutions. This is just plain sickness on display discemenating perversion being financed with taxpayer funds. It is so wrong on every level the people need to JUST SAY NO.

  2. Joe, Reading this post makes me sick. I looked up "DR. Kathy Obear" and found her to be a 50-60 year old WHITE woman. I believe this women and her agenda goes against every moral fiber of humanity. God did not create us to be ashamed of who we are. This woman is nuts and should be treated as so. It scares me that people subscribe to this agenda.

  3. Isaiah 5:20-21 King James Version (KJV)

    20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

    21 Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!

  4. Who are they following?

    However, in our modern culture, the focus on diversity can become its own god. Diversity itself is revered rather than the One who created that diversity. An emphasis on diversity tends to highlight our differences. God is more concerned with unity (Ephesians 4:3). Galatians 3:28 says, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” God is saying that our differences are not what should define the children of God. Those who belong to the Lord Jesus should first define themselves as God’s children. We must be willing to set diversity aside in favor of unity in spirit. Jesus’ passionate prayer in John 17shows that His desire for His disciples was that “they may be one as you and I are one” (verse 22).

  5. Honestly you people with this religious biblical nonsense are just as whacked. Believing in spirits and holy ghosts. Fools. Might as well bring back a Greek mythology. They believed that crap too.

  6. Oh yeah, everything is the white man's fault. Last I looked it was not us who are killing off the black race. It was not us who commit the majority of crimes in America. It was not us who walk around with absolutely nasty attitudes.


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