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Monday, July 16, 2018

Officials: Russian firm used in Maryland election systems

A vendor that provides key services for Maryland elections has been acquired by a parent company with links to a Russian oligarch, state officials said Friday after a briefing a day earlier from the FBI.

Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller and House Speaker Michael Busch made the announcement at a news conference in the Maryland State House, a gathering that included staff members of Gov. Larry Hogan.

"The FBI conveyed to us that there is no criminal activity that they've seen," Busch said. "They believe that the system that we have has not been breached."

In a letter Friday, Hogan, Busch and Miller asked the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for technical assistance to evaluate the network used by the elections board.

"It is with concern that I learned that information provided to the Maryland State Board of Elections by federal law enforcement this week indicates that a vendor contracted by the Board to provide a number of services, including voter registration infrastructure, had been acquired by a parent company with financial ties to a Russian national," Hogan said in a statement.

Miller and Busch also said they have asked Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh to review existing contractual obligations of the state, and asked for a review of the system to ensure there have been no breaches.

The vendor, ByteGrid LLC, was purchased by a Russian investor in 2015 without knowledge of Maryland state officials, officials said.



  1. Enough with this Russia Crap!! The President said it’s not an issue. Stop with the fake news. MAGA

  2. While you dumb dums have been screaming "evil liberal" and shoveling the elephant dung like its gold, politicians from both sides and at multiple levels of government have been pushing for electronic voting machines with no paper trail. All while being paid off by "outside donors". Then you wonder why i certsin side wants to claim "nothing to see here"

  3. How could they not know?

  4. This is collaboration with the Russians. How stupid, I mean corrupt. The Dems got it all figured out, commit all the atrocities and when they lose power, blame it on the siting government.

    Can't wait to vote out more corrupt politicians in November.

  5. Did you know that in 2005 the MD Legislature enacted a law giving the then (and now) State Elections Administrator her job "for life"? http://mlis.state.md.us/2005rs/billfile/sb0444.htm

  6. In the words of the church lady:
    Well, isn't that special!

  7. This proves Democrat collusion with the Russians with the assistance of Hogan our rogue governor. They have been found out and now attempting to cover their tracks. We now have more evidence of Hogan's collusion to assist the bullies of the Democrat Party and not assisting the Republican values. This close to DC and they want you to think these Russians are not hacking DC politics computers and the Democrats have no knowledge since they instituted this MD policy / agreement. Hogan you are caught again. Another McCain.


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