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Monday, July 16, 2018

Police Try To Take Veteran's Guns Without A Warrant. He Didn't Let Them.

Iraq war veteran Leonard Cottrell Jr. says that last month New Jersey police tried to confiscate his firearms without a warrant — and he did not let them take them.

Two police officers visited his home "because his 13-year-old son had made a comment at school about the Millstone Middle School's security, and the officers wanted to confiscate Cottrell's firearms as part of an investigation," NJ.com reported.

Cottrell, who legally owns a shotgun and a handgun, is a disabled U.S. Army veteran who served multiple tours during "Operation Iraqi Freedom."



  1. HE did right by not letting them confiscate his weapons for no reason or crime. This is the same thing MD Politians have passed and Hogan signed. The government is passing these laws to control citizens. If these socialist liberal Democrats were the ones that this was happening to they would claim slavery tactics. Our rights are being violated by these Socialist Democrats. Don't come to my house for protection, since you did not fight for my rights when they take over your life / freedom for free speech. "DON'T TREAD ON ME". Lock & Load

  2. Good for him
    With you 100%

  3. It's going to come harder and faster.

    Keep 'em loaded and within reach.


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