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Monday, July 16, 2018

Democrat National Committee chief Perez demands....

The head of the Democrat National Committee on Friday joined calls for President Trump to cancel a scheduled meeting with Russian President Vladimir V. Putin following the indictment of 12 Russians for hacking.

DNC Chairman Tom Perez said it “defies logic that Putin did not know of this” and said that Mr. Trump’s attempts to undermine Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the election — which led to the new charges announced Friday against Russian intelligence officers — has hurt the nation.

“President Trump should absolutely cancel this meeting with Putin,” Mr. Perez said. “Putin is not a friend of democracy. He is not a friend of the United States and the president should have never taken this meeting to begin with.”

Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin are slated to meet over the coming days in Finland.

“If he does do this meeting he should do nothing less than hand Putin these indictments and the previous indictments and demand immediate extradition of all the individuals,” Mr. Perez said.



  1. Obviously part of the liberal narrative.
    Do any Democrats ever have independent thought??
    Ever notices how quickly a narrative spreads throughout the MSM - even using exact terms and phrases.

    1. Yes, and not just using but the exact same article verbatim!

  2. Appears he was right!

  3. Anything that the DNC "demands" is going to be bad for the nation. They're all about swamping the boat, not sailing it.

  4. They hack us, we hack them, we have spies they have spies. It's all just a big game no point in starting a war over it. President Trump has dealt with every kind of BS artist there is, Putin can't pull the wool over his eyes. Trump may act real nice and polite but he knows what's happening.

  5. Obama Crooked BastardoJuly 16, 2018 at 4:47 PM

    Where was Perez when Obama was telling Russian president Medvedev that "He, Mighty Barack, will have more flexibility after re-election". What was Perez saying? Nothing. Oh, thats right, just another loudmouth Democ-rat from DC Swamp of Lying Hypocrites.

  6. And the person who wrote this article believes Hillary and Obama knew nothing of the 'spies' infiltrating the Trump Campaign! Yeah right!


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