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Monday, July 16, 2018

Nikki Haley Shames Washington Post Into Issuing Correction After Spreading False Reporting About Her

The Washington Post issued a correction for misquoting U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley on Friday.

Haley demanded on Saturday that Washington Post policy reporter Jeff Stein “retract” his claim that she said there were 250,000 U.S. citizens living in poverty.

Stein and fellow Washington Post reporter Tracy Jan wrote a story titled “The Trump administration has a new argument for dismantling the social safety net: It worked” on Friday. Stein tweeted the 250,000 figure, which Haley says she “never said”, with a link to his story on Friday.

“The Haley number above, I should note, is for ‘extreme poverty,'” he tweeted less than 10 minutes later on Friday, without deleting the incorrect tweet. The incorrect tweet received 299 retweets. The correction tweet received eight.



  1. Good for you, Nikki!

  2. WaPo works for intelligence,
    It was CIA from the very beginning.


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