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Monday, July 16, 2018

Pirro: Strzok ‘the Personification of the Deep State Itself — Where Fascism Rules’

During her Saturday opening statement for Fox News Channel’s “Justice,” Jeanine Pirro castigated “pompous, arrogant, indignant, sarcastic, smug, condescending, defiant and unapologetic” FBI agent Peter Strzok for his behavior at this week’s congressional hearing.

Pirro said Strzok was both the “personification of the righteous left” and the “personification of the deep state.”

“Strzok seems to share cardinal Comey’s affectation about being a selfless servant of the people, even though he seems to simultaneously hold us all in contempt,” stated Pirro.



  1. Sbynews QUESTION

    Why are democratic bernine Hillary pro Socialism pro communists mad at Putin a Communist ?.

  2. Nothing new here. LEO’s, this is you. Take a good look you smug Richards. This is every mercenary that carries a badge. Peter is the new face of law enforcement, cheating on his wife, obviously queer too, zero integrity or respect for law and order, using his power as a LEO politically like some kind of Communist brown shirt. Scumbag alert! Hang him for treason.


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