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Sunday, July 15, 2018

Ocean Pines Bullsh!t On 300 Euthanized Geese

If there's one thing to prove your local media is full of sh!t, just ask yourself this one question. Why didn't they show you the alleged Food Bank or FAMILY/PERSON these alleged geese were fed to?

With Avian TB being so abundant here on the Shore, (especially in the Salisbury Zoo) who in their right mind would feed sick animals to the homeless or needy. That's just the beginning. 

Who allegedly PLUCKED 300 geese? Certainly not one of the local chicken/turkey companies. How many babies were a part of the 300? Considering it's that time of year where the babies are just about everywhere, the easiest geese to catch are the babies, then the caretakers/parents. There's a LOT more to this story, yet your local media made this thing sound like Ocean Pines was doing a great thing.

Why not pull 300 boats off the water instead? 

Why now remove 300 septic systems in Ocean Pines instead?

We humans are polluting a whole lot more to our environment then 300 baby geese. Your local media continues to fail you and deliver political bullsh!t instead of the truth. I become the Anti Christ because God Forbid someone challenge all the BS they attempt to feed you. 

Call WBOC. Ask them WHY they didn't deliver ANY evidence as to these alleged geese that were actually delivered to a local food bank. WHAT food bank? Show us ONE family that received this so called meat that might have Avian TB and IF in fact all 300 birds were tested for Avian TB! 

If the residents of Ocean Pines would STOP feeding these animals, (including ducks and other wildlife) they wouldn't have an over abundance of wildlife disrupting their community. That goes for the Salisbury Zoo as well. We never had this problem in the past. Canada Geese migrated every year up until the Zoo started putting out hundreds of pounds of feed on the river every single day and they never needed to migrate again. Besides, they got FREE animals to fill the river for people to view all year round, what a deal.

This is the Eastern Shore. You want to get rid of the geese, let your labs off their leash and chase these damn geese until they get tired of hanging out around these ponds. Don't kill them simply because you don't like stepping in goose sh!t. And STOP making it sound like you're doing a wonderful thing by killing them to allegedly help the environment. Man, you people are so full of sh!t. All the while mamma runs , (by herself) to the liquor store in her 20 passenger SUV to get a pack of cigarettes and a 30 pack of Natural Light. 

Your local media needs to deliver some answers here and do their job. This was slaughter, plain and simple.


  1. This was wrong in so many ways why did the public find out about it after it was done. Had it gotten to the media like everything else ASAP they might have been relocated where they needed this species. So cruel in so many ways.

  2. Geese can be kind of a pain, but I am sure there was another way to handle this. I used to live in the Pines and there are a lot of snooty people who are downright OCD about everything. I am sure one of them had something to do with this.

  3. 9:52 let this be yet another lesson you clowns need to learn!!! I call you and everyone else a clown becasue you need the media to tell you what is going on and they lie, and you trust them like they hold your gold in their bank...

    Then when someone like me who educates themselves on the subject at hand, and try to give you all a heads up or warn you to inform you, you all run off at the mouth acting like you know everything about nothing... You run your mouth and demonize people who want to help you because you think you know better, and clearly to don't know jack...

    And why you all didn't fin out until after it was done? Because they knew you people would run off at the mouth no matter what they did or how... It is funny how ocean pines can some how kill these birds but the average citizen tried to do the same for his own property, and he can be fined or jailed for killing the geese, becasue apparently they are protected...

  4. Geese are a nasty nuisance. They should not be protected, and then maybe there would not be such the over population. All they do is eat, crap and make babies.

    1. Same could be said for most people. You probably fall into that category. So.... what to do, what to do.

  5. As for feeding the geese,animal lovers are a fact of life.I worked on a job where the 24 hour staff fed the stray cats,which in turn attracted every other wild animal to the facility.

  6. Same thing at wor sic community college. A real killing field over a weekend. Staff were threatened not to speak out. Besides, geese don't write big donor checks, chickens do....

  7. We have moved into areas which were home to wild life, including the geese. Finding a humane way to deal with a “problem” we created is the proper thing to do. Thanks for bringing this issue to the attention of the public.

  8. Had it gotten out before the massacre, there would have been such an outcry, it wouldn't have happened. Whomever authorized it and purposely hid it from the public should be terminated from their position

  9. As soon as I heard they gave the geese to a food bank I knew they were lying. If they are going to kill the geese then kill them but how dare them to lie to the public. If I were so UNlucky to be stuck living in Ocean Pines I wouldn't trust a damn thing out of those liars mouths. And the residents better demand audits. If they are going to lie the3y are also going to steal. There is no degree of honesty. You are either honest or you are not.

  10. 9:52 because they are sneaky low lifes are why. Cowards who thought they could do this on the sly with no one finding out. Instead of being big people they had to sneak around because they are unprofessional trashy people who didn't want to have to explain or justify their actions.

  11. This OP clown Marty Clarke, a member of OPA’s Environment and Natural Assets Advisory Committee, had this to say-

    "“We should’ve done it two years ago,” We just didn’t. Finally the board pulled their big boy pants up and realized there’s no choice.”"

    Sorry Clarke but you did NOT pull up your "big boy pants". You took the cowards way out and hid this from the public. Clarke's not a man he's a sneaky bastard who needs to pull his drawers down and see if he has any balls in them. A real man faces head on what may become or is controversial.

  12. Getting rid of 300 liberals would be a great idea.

  13. Wag the dog mentality. Say one thing, do something entirely different when no one is watching.

    THEN apologize/beg for forgiveness!

  14. They used a "heart stick" to kill them according to more honest reporting. Hardly humane and hardly then fit for human consumption. It's actually barbaric and extremely INhumane. I wish nothing but bad luck on the Ocean Pines savages who approved this.

  15. I'll bet they all wound up buried at the landfill. Plucking and prepping 300 birds for the freezer for public consumption; will the USDA inspect wild game?

    Somebody out here knows exactly where those carcasses are. Speak up.

  16. What are the Ocean Pines stooges thinking. It makes zero sense to do this since they will reproduce yearly and repopulate. Who is advising these halfwits? Certainly not someone well informed. What has to be done is pass laws about feeding and limit flock growth by keeping the eggs from hatching. The HSUS offer training workshops.

  17. Joe i said the same thing. Them saying that those geese went to feed the hungry was a damage control coverup. They killed those geese a week before it was put into the news. I ask the same question, who would process those geese? Even hungry people will not get those geese if they knew where they came from. I to call bullsh!t on those geese going to food banks. None of this adds up nor makes sense. Its all damage control because people found out and spoke out of how wrong it was. I also question as to not only babies being caught but geese are mated for life. Did they catch mated sets and kill them? or did they catch what ever they could and to hell with that other goose mourning for its mate? Things don't add up here. I call bullsh!t on all of it.

  18. If the residents are so concerned about number of geese in there area, why not volunteer to just find the eggs before they hatch. Can't you just see them all lining up to volunteer(sac)

  19. WHAT about the tons of crabs dumped by someone ?.

  20. Where is the DNR on this? It's DEFINITELY NOT goose season! Parents are raising their young right now.

    Poaching doesn't get any more illegal than this!

  21. 12:39 that is what kind hearted people do but obviously that Board is not only lying cowards they are pieces of shit. For that worthless waste of oxygen Marty Clarke to even suggest there was no other choice only proves what a piece of low class garbage he is. He needs to really put on his big boy pants and explain to the public why this was done without the public's input. He won't though because he is a lying piece of cowardly shit.

  22. They were there first.

  23. Despicable human wastes is the only way to describe those who gave the go ahead for this. Then they are so shameless as to lie to the public and try to make a senseless unnecessary brutal act seem charitable.

  24. 12:39 is right. Population control via attrition. Or, bring in some Labrador or golden retrievers and have at it.
    Or, better yet, a couple of foxes and the eggs will never hatch.

  25. I am disgusted and sickened! I know they block traffic occasionally, poop around the ponds and near some properties, but we live in their environment! If you don't like it, LEAVE the pines! All OP board members and staff approving of this and carrying it out with a false narrative that they were ok to feed poor people is bullsh!t. I commented on this on Faceb--k and was called a snowflake! I am a CONSERVATIVE. Liberals always go for the name calling, and childish jabs. SICK of this community and leaders I live in and with. They are theives and murderers!!!! When my mortgage is paid off, I'm OUTTA HERE.

  26. Ocean Pines is filled with Snobby, self centered progressives who vote Democrat

    Arrest the Geese killers

  27. It is so obvious that many of the commenters do not know the difference between a migratory bird, and a resident bird. Resident birds that were born here NEVER leave, while migratory birds will visit for a while, and then go back to Canada for the rest of the year. Is that so hard to understand?


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