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Sunday, July 15, 2018

More Bullsh!t Spewing From WBOC & Ocean Pines On "Humanely Euthanizeing" Geese

While both WBOC & representatives from Ocean Pines are in damage control mode, they're LIARS and unprofessional.

You CANNOT humanely euthanize ANY animal without chemicals, PERIOD!

Now, considering they put down these geese TWO weeks ago without public knowledge, FUNNY how tonight WBOC stated the geese will be delivered to the Food Bank "hopefully next week". REALLY, SERIOUSLY, three weeks later. I call BS again. 

IF chemicals were used, you CANNOT feed these geese to humans. That would be the only humane way to put down an animal. Any other way would consist of shooting them, slit their throats  or electrocuting them and one thing I can tell you, that's NOT humane.

Someone, (if not all) are full of sh!t and ANYONE who believes what your local media is feeding you is a complete IDIOT. This is the 4th day WBOC is trying to cover their a$$ and each day they keep digging themselves deeper and deeper in a hole. 

Why your local media continues to cover up such decisions, (especially since they refuse to tell you how it was done) is beyond me. Much like Monica Sneed only having to serve 5 years and claiming she got 20 years OR riverfront property sold to Mayor Day's Good Ol' Boy buddy's for $5,000.00 and $15,000.00 are just a few articles/stories in the past week they have mislead their viewing audience. 

It's time you people hold them accountable for their FAKE NEWS. 


  1. First off, I despise wboc with a passion, I live in Salisbury and have absolutely nothing to do with OP. Clearly your definition of humanely is quite different than others, and thank goodness the world dosent operate on your whims and notions. Humanely in this case means as quick and efficient as possible. Did it occur to you that after cleaning and packaging these birds they went into a freezer till they can be distributed? Hunters for the Hungry do it all the time, donating deer.
    The bottom line here is wildlife must be managed, and conservationist are the ones that must do it. They should have been culled a long time ago. To many and they'll get diseases or starvation, not to mention other types of wildlife may suffer or disappear. Because your shallow minded and ignorant of the big picture it appears to you unnecessary and cruel...so ike the progressive liberal peta...you blame everyone, call people names, curse and nash your teeth. Grow up, learn the truth, mothernature can be very cruel when ignored.

  2. I hate to tell you this but cervical dislocation is considered humane euthanasia. We do this to all of our chickens from just hatched chicks to roosters over a year old. There is actually a mechanical device we use for the older birds. However, they better not be feeding birds that were killed 3 weeks ago to anyone. Unless they were frozen, the meat is no longer any good.

  3. It doesn’t take that long to process the meat.
    Why haven’t they said where the geese went to be processed. Why is it a big secret?
    What do we as the public need to do to get to the truth about the goose massacre in Ocean Pines? Why do the people who made the decision think this story is going away? It isn’t until the truth comes out. If you know something about this debacle just tell us. Joe lets you be anonymous.

  4. I can say with some certainty that the Eastern Shore didn’t have a water quality issue before settlers from other continents showed up. I can bet the Atlantic Flyway was loaded with waterfowl that crowded local waterways. Culling wasn’t needed because there wasn’t an over burdening group of polluting humans around.
    The theory that waterfowl are polluting Ocean Pines is pure hog wash. Where’s the drum beat to stop 300 watercraft from polluting the area or 300 septic systems that are causing actual damage. Human over population is the real reason the earth is unhealthy and no ones doing anything about that!

    1. Ocean Pines does not have septic systems! They had one of the best treatment plants in Maryland at one time, something Salisbury should have looked at, theirs works.

  5. Watch their evening weather...."Dan said"..'there has been no measurable rainfall since July 25th'

    What a dumb ass.

  6. Please get in line for your shot ALBERO. You would be doing all of us a favor. Please die.

  7. Wboc didnt tell the truth because for one...they couldnt research the contents of an empty paper bag. But they thought they were doing you a favor, because you clearly cant handle the truth. How many times did you vote for hillary?

  8. That OP Board is obviously made up of uncivilized barbarians. Not only that but they are very ignorant. This is only a very short term solution. I guess the low IQ goose murderers are too stupid to figure this out. They will have the same amount of geese again next year this time. So either they are imbeciles or they get off on murdering innocent animals who do mate for life and do mourn the passing of a mate. The ONLY solution that is lasting is to gather the eggs every season. This goes on in neighborhoods nationwide and it works. Many of the geese "move" after a season or 2 of not being able to sit on eggs.

  9. How is this NEWS ? They had such a terrible goose problem at UMES they rented Border Collies to herd them. They herded the minority students too. That was not news either. That was entertainment.

  10. maybe the government will get a handle on the seagulls next. just more rats!

  11. I just left my opinion of the situation of the comments section of the only two articles WBOC posted. I wonder if they will remain. View them now and check again tomorrow. Let's all see!

  12. 8:07-Voted for Hillary? You serious? We can't handle the truth? You are overtly delusional and apparently an idiot. Like any comedian or salesman, you should know your crowd. You want to come at the mostly educated people who click on this site with that nonsense? You're just stupid for posting that you actually think you are smarter than us. Also, virtually no one, who relies on the site for conservative news and links, voted for Hillary. That is just a really stupid assumption. I figure you have a Napoleon complex. Just a short chubby person, with a poor comb over, and no friends. Good luck with spreading B.S.! Take that sh!t somewhere else, troll!

  13. I guess that the poultry plants should be shut down also -- what's sauce for the goose is sauce for Perdue, Mountaire, Tysons, etc., right!

  14. No one watches WBOC - why do you?

  15. @6:53 & AComeHere @7:00
    Don't worry, there won't be any geese or any other animals where you're going one day. There's a special dark place waiting for soulless heartless people like you. You reap what you sow. Animals of all kinds, including geese & deer are a beautiful gift of nature from God. They're not bothering you or anyone; they're just trying to survive and care for & protect their babies just like humans, only better than many ignorant selfish humans. I respect them a heck of a lot more than you. You could learn a lot from animals. Pick on someone your own size & strength and leave the innocent alone. They're not yours to kill.

  16. Anonymous said...
    Carbon dioxide.

    July 11, 2018 at 9:44 PM

    Did you mean carbon "Monoxide?"

  17. Anonymous said...
    Please get in line for your shot ALBERO. You would be doing all of us a favor. Please die.

    July 11, 2018 at 7:45 PM

    Hey Joe, I think this guy^^ is putting a threat on your life.

  18. Anonymous said...
    Please get in line for your shot ALBERO. You would be doing all of us a favor. Please die.

    July 11, 2018 at 7:45 PM

    I think this guy is making a threat on Joe Albero's life??

  19. To 7:45PM- Really? "Please die?" Where has respectfulness gone? You don't have to agree or like someone else or their opinion(s) but can't you at least be respectful or polite in your responses? Telling someone to go and "die" is absolutely pathetic!

  20. I live in OP and have for many years - I can tell you all for fact that the residents here are fed up with the OPBOD and absolutely outraged about the 'humane' treatment of the geese....lots of discussions all over the place regarding SBY News and finding out the facts - This is not going to end well for those responsible - keep up the good work Joe/ we all appreciate you and your staff

  21. I've lived in OP for more than 2 decades. The over population of resident, non-migritory canada geese has caused a very unsanitary and dangerous health problem for both the north and south ponds. There have been many attempts to mitigate the problem with non-leathal means. I don't care if they were given to the food bank and I hope they get the rest of them.

  22. I've been following the multiple comments on the posts I put up about this matter. What I find most interesting is how some commenters, Ocean Pines and WBOC are all stating "dangerous health problems" yet it was clearly reported they killed these animals because of the water pollution.

    There's more crap, (chemicals) put in golf ponds then these geese will ever pollute. It's all about BS excuses, lies and twists at every turn.

    These animals were here first. Humans took over their territory, CREATED man made ponds and now murder animals because they don't like their poop.

    They don't want you feeding these animals and will in fact fine you if you do, yet the Zoo puts hundreds of pounds of duck chow into the river every single day to keep these wild animals from leaving that area. People all over the shore put out corn and trust me, it's a LOT of people to keep these wild animals to return daily to their waterfront properties.

    Watching WBOC yet again this morning where they mentioned "water quality", they stated in the PAST tense that the geese were "donated" yet the food bank claims they won't get them till tomorrow. They then stated they want to "reduce environmental damages". Really? 300 geese will solve environmental damages, I think not. Man creates far more environmental damages over animals any day of the week.

    These are BS excuses and SBYNews called them out and WBOC has been in damage control now for FIVE days straight. By the way, if you want to eliminate ducks and geese from hanging out at ponds, simply grow tall grasses around the entire edge of each pond they won't land there. Especially geese. They're afraid they don't have enough room to take off and guess what, it works. HOWEVER, humans want to SEE the water/ponds, go figure.

  23. They should be charged for killing all those Geese if not jail time they should pay a fine for everyone they killed. It's illegal to kill them and we are to report it if one is killed on the road in traffic. This needs to be taken to the top of the SPCA and any other organization. And WBOC needs to not be stating out and out lies to cover this up, did they not think about how long ago they were killed to talk about them as a food donation !!! SICK WBOC just out and out SICK.

  24. Hang on. This is not a death penalty case for humans. They are (were) geese. They get hunted, killed, and eaten every year. Millions, yes, millions of chickens are slaughtered every DAY on DelMarVa. Whether the geese had their throats cut, or were shot, makes no difference. My guess is the geese were collected by netting, to avoid the public outcry of geese being shot in front of them. Then the geese were processed, just like chickens. The writer must not know there are many places that process geese for hunters. I'm pretty sure these places were used for processing the geese from Ocean Pines. Processing geese is a combination of hand and mechanical equipment, and takes much longer than the mass processing of chickens. I don't think they have to explain anything to the busy-bodies that objected to the removal of the birds to begin with.

  25. And I still had to wait while geese crossed 589. But these were white geese not the Canadian ones. Oh geez, racial profiling of geese now.

  26. If those idiots in Ocean Pines don't like animals, birds, or other wildlife

    How about doing us all a favor and move to New York, Jersey, Baltimore....

    All concrete there.....
    no geese to worry about

    you bunch of mother......ers


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