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Monday, July 16, 2018

Disabled community criticizes Starbucks for ditching plastic straws

The disabled community is pushing back on Starbucks’ decision to ditch plastic straws and replace them with sippy cup-like plastic tops, claiming that straws are the only way for some disabled individuals to consume food and drink.

"Plastic straws are an accessible way for people with certain disabilities to consume food and drinks, and it seems the blanket bans are not taking into account that they need straws and also that plastic straw replacements are not accessible to people,” Katherine Carroll, a policy analyst at the Center for Disability Rights, told Time magazine.

Advocates for the disabled community say Starbucks could have opted for straws made from biodegradable paper, or ones made from metal that could be reused when cleaned. But even then, sometimes those options may not be suitable for people with certain disabilities, according to founder of the One in Five disabled rights campaign Jamie Szymkowiak.



  1. The new lids use more plastic than the old lid and straw combined...Liberals are Idiots.

  2. The disabled can bring their own straws, made of anything they like.

  3. As much as I detest Starbucks, they are free to run their business as they choose. The disabled can bring their own straws.

  4. Why would anyone want to go to star crap anyway..overpriced garbage

  5. Are their cups plastic


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