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Thursday, July 26, 2018

CT Dem Under Fire for Kneeling During Pledge of Allegiance at Board Meeting

A Connecticut city official is under fire for taking a knee during the Pledge of Allegiance to protest President Trump.

Haddam Selectman Melissa Schlag, a Democrat, took a knee as the pledge was recited during a July 16 Board of Selectman meeting.

In a letter posted on Facebook, Schlag listed a number of reasons for why she knelt, including Trump's comments on Russia's election meddling during his summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin and the migrant family separation crisis.



  1. Sad that some are so lonely and starved for publicity.

  2. Should not make her personal statement during a public meeting. Do it after.

  3. What a loser. democrats are so angry their idol clinton lost they can't stand it. Now they are getting it rammed and jammed more up their rank arses with the positive direction the country is finally moving in and the poll numbers are good. They just can't stand it.

  4. Down with Free Speech!

    Give us Statism.
    Give us Facism.

    Down with Free Speech!

    Off with her head (just kidding).

    We used to be free.

  5. These people obviously do not love this country or its Constitution and should just buy a plane ticket to the country of their choice and stay there. They would be so much happier there, and we would be much happier here.

    In fact, we could set up a GoFundMe account to buy these kneelers plane tickets and Visa fees. I would gladly give to that one!

  6. What an idiot. She doesn't know how stupid she looks. That is the same dumb sh!t the ANTIFA Wicomico Candidates will do if they get elected.

    Don't vote for these ANTIFA Wicomico Candidates:

    Jamaad Gould
    Bill McCain
    Alex Scott
    Michele Gregory
    Josh Hastings
    Dan O'Hare

    1. Hastings hangs out with that goon ball S. Olsen

      Who cannot even teach anymore

  7. All the outrage.

    Because compulsory pledges of nationalism are what freedom is and represents?

    In a pledge that espouses liberty and justice for ALL, but yet demands we are under some sort if deity.

    American has lost it's mind. We have forgotten, and the uniformed and uneducated, and the indoctrinated run wild.

    This is America.


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