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Thursday, July 26, 2018

Auntie Maxine: I’ve been sent by God to get Trump!

Move over Jake and Elwood, Maxine Waters is on a mission from God.

After acknowledging the children in the audience, the California Congresswoman ripped into President Trump during a Sunday appearance at First AME Church in Los Angeles.

Wanting to address what people are reading on the “social internet,” she said, “We never dreamed we’d have someone in the White House who was divisive, who could not tell the truth, and who was intent on not making America great again, but taking America down.”

She hammered Trump, telling the congregants, “I am in this fight.”

Waters said there is “an attempt to intimidate, an attempt to frighten, an attempt to make you go away and shut up and be quiet.

“I don’t know shut up!” she said to thunderous cheers. “I don’t know intimidation. I don’t know fear.”

“You’ve gotta know that I’m here to do the work that I was sent to do, and as pastor said to me when I came in this morning, when God sends you to do something, you just do it!

More here


  1. Max your civil war is coming tick tock.

  2. According to liberal tv(the view) hearing from God is a mental illness.

  3. Max,
    You have hate in your heart and soul. Guess what, God is about LOVE.

    Sooooo, guess who has sent you?

    Can you say, sulfur, fire, screaming and gnashing of teeth?

  4. I think God would have sent a better messenger. Maybe, just maybe, you were sent by .....

  5. Yeah, God is the boss and satan wanted to take over and that is why He threw satan and his angels out. Which side of the family are you on Max?

  6. Wanting to address what people are reading on the “social internet,” she said, “We never dreamed we’d have someone in the White House who was divisive, who could not tell the truth, and who was intent on not making America great again, but taking America down.”

    Has this sick bitch forgotten what was last on our White House?

  7. Hey, Maxie I think you got God confused with the other guy. It's OK I know you get confused easily these days. :)

  8. She is certainly some sort of just goofy entertainment!

  9. Hopefully, he will recall her very soon!

    1. Satan or God, fight over who has to take her! Neither wants her!!

  10. There is no fight, Maxine, only fright.

  11. I hope God calls you back real soon Maxine.

  12. More proof that most black churches are fake and most blacks are fake Christians Fact is you can not be a democrat and a Christian. You can lie to yourself and others all day long but the democrat platform is the doctrine of satan and there is already a special place in hell waiting for all democrats when the evil garbages take their last breath.

    1. Tax Haven's while they drive caddy's.

  13. I realize that several companies will produce Halloween masks of Maxine'face,but I dread seeing them.I've had all I can stand.

  14. More like the devil, 👹

  15. Maxine move to Canada with Whoopi and polosi u POS.

  16. Max your day with your thugs are coming.


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