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Thursday, July 26, 2018

Foster Families Will Continue Religious Liberty Suit

One of Philadelphia's largest religious charities plans to continue its fight against a city policy that will block foster-care providers who hold traditional beliefs about marriage.

Several foster parents affiliated with Catholic Social Services are suing the city of Philadelphia for discriminating against their religious beliefs after the Department of Human Services adopted a policy that bars the city from partnering with foster-care providers that do not approve of gay marriage. The policy was enacted despite the fact that no complaints or allegations of discrimination had been filed against CSS.

District Court judge Petrese Tucker rejected the suit, saying the plaintiffs did not prove they were directly targeted for their religious beliefs, adding that even if the policy shutters CSS, the providers could transfer to other foster-care agencies.



  1. A Bill Clinton appointment. Or should we say, Hillary's.

  2. If the religious organizations are merely helping to find families for foster children, then there should be no problem with them following their religious conscience in doing so.

    If they are receiving tax dollars to do so, then they can't discriminate.

    I don't see what the problem here is.


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