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Thursday, July 26, 2018

Yes, Heat Waves Are a Part of Nature

As often happens when extreme weather hits, the media is featuring excited claims that the July heat wave is due to man-made climate change. But it isn’t. These events are easily explained as natural phenomena, yet a major practice used by those exploiting climate and environment for a political agenda involves claiming natural events are unnatural.

The Guardian is a familiar source of these stories. In “Heatwave sees record high temperatures around world this week” (July 13), the Guardian’s global environment editor Jonathan Watts writes:

Record high temperatures have been set across much of the world this week as an unusually prolonged and broad heatwave intensifies concerns about climate change.

On June 28, the Washington, D.C.-based group Public Citizen, through two members of the Public Citizen’s Climate and Energy Program,issued a “NOTE TO REPORTERS AND EDITORIAL BOARDS” with this headline:



  1. It's cyclic. Imagine that!

  2. The left will lie cheat and steal to get into your pocket.

    There is no global warming!

    NASA has been exposed over and over again falsifying data to make the case of global warming.

    1. When? When?! Give me two examples of them “being exposed falsifying data.” You can’t, because it’s a lie

  3. The media is telling the truth, and knows the public will not believe it.
    That way when it is revealed (in the very near future) that the US Military is controlling the weather, the media will state, "We told you so".



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