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Friday, July 27, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Welcome To Home Depot In Salisbury Maryland

This individual is driving w/no tire - look at the marks in the pavement (passenger rear tire gone).


  1. If he is that "tired" imagine how much truck insurance he has

  2. Won't get far ! Lol

  3. Maybe he's trying to get out of Md. With what he has left, or he's there to buy a jack?

  4. That looks like the same truck that someone posted in from the Walmart parking lot a few weeks ago. This guy is going to be famous!

  5. Replies
    1. Me myself, i thought it was Jed

  6. The handicapped tag isn't for the driver, it's for the truck.

  7. Or maybe for both of them.

  8. That guy is a total idiot but you have to admire his entrepreneurial spirit.

  9. He's going to the Salisbury Festival and brought some trinkets to sell.

  10. maybe he had a blowout and went there to fix it?

  11. Give the man credit he is at least working and trying to make a living!Probably not taking any hand outs!There but by the grace of God go all of us! God Bless him

  12. But MSP will pull you over if you look the wrong way what gives Salisbury Barracks ?

    1. They don't care bc cars like that can't pay the tickets that's why state poopers don't pull them over.

  13. I know the guy. He's pretty cool.

  14. 2:40 PM then maybe you should talk to him and educate him on what a hazard he is creating before someone gets killed when that truck-o-crap lets loose.

  15. Looks like Sanford and Son! I have neighbors just like these they move in with belongings in garbage bags, never pay rent for 7 mos., landlords have no clue and wonder why the city and landlords have to remove the blights on the city. And just think I live one block from where the City Festival will be, all the visitors expected will get a view of the scum city first hand. Since Susan is no longer with Coding and Compliance that dept is worse than ever. The whole dept needs to be fired and fast!!!! Don't forget if the news media covers the Festival which I'm sure they will with drones you'll get wider angles pictures of the GHETTO.

  16. I know may find this hard to believe - but the operator of that truck is a genius. He knows the law inside and out, and even Wicomico county's former attorney, Ed Baker will admit, as he had a run-in with him.


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