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Friday, July 27, 2018

ICE arrests 132 across DC metro area, including top MS-13 member and sex offenders

City officials in Portland, Ore., say they'll be cleaning up the “disgusting” Occupy ICE camp after police cleared the area of protesters Wednesday.

The mayor’s office said it would pick up a portion of the tab for the clean-up, FOX 12 reported. Meanwhile, the Portland Police Bureau has cordoned off the site, calling it a biohazard.

Activists set up the camp near the local office of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement after an outcry over the agency's crackdown on illegal immigrants.

Debris being cleared Wednesday included wooden pallets, makeshift toilets, books, toys, plastic containers, liquor bottles, tents and furniture.




  1. ... including... roaches, syringes, baggies containing drug residue, court subpoenas, parking citations, used condoms and Communist/Leftist leaflets.

  2. Hey 7:58 from above, if government should protect us from anything it's from radical leftist traitor trash like this.

  3. No, they're going to leave it up to us and then call it a civil war. Think about it.

  4. Looks like the post Salisbury Festival will be. Check out the disgusting mess of mattresses, box springs, trash, abandoned furniture @ 308 Washington Street, 1 month after the renters left. Notices posted but no action!!!!!!!!!! I Hope the Festival attendees see these blights!

  5. Excuse me CORRECTION 313 Washington in Salisbury !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SORRY


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