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Friday, July 27, 2018

Mom blames hot snacks for daughter's stomach ailments, surgery

A mother is blaming her daughter's stomach problems on hot chips, saying hot Cheetos and hot Takis led to the removal of her gallbladder.

Rene Craighead told Memphis media outlet WREG that hot chips were the cause of her 17-year-old daughter's stomach issues. Eventually, the teen's gallbladder was removed and doctors told her hot chips were to blame.

"She loves them. Every time I go out she says, 'Bring me back some Hot Takis, bring me back some Hot Chips.' I want to make her happy, so I brought them back. She was eating big bags and would take them to school with her," Craighead told the TV station, adding that her daughter was eating about four bags of hot chips every week.



  1. The FDA does this on a massive scale by allowing endless CHEMICAL additives in our food supply. That when taken in large does or tiny tiny tiny doses over decades will cause cancer, stomach problem,anal problems, unwanted discharges, depression, etc...you know all those ugly side effects of CHEMICALS. But hey no problem the FDA has a cure for that!! The FDAs BIG PHARMA has a CHEMICAL dollar sucking fix for that too.

    1. Yeah, the fact that the mother let her eat FOUR BAGS A WEEK of this crap had nothing to do with it. The FDA should be spanked.

  2. Everything in moderation, folks. Ever hear of that?

  3. I blame bad parenting. Kids should not eat that crap let alone by the bag. This is why America has an obesity problem.

  4. Wow, I've never ever heard of a person needing their gall bladder removed before.

  5. I agree bad parenting. Why on earth are we buying 4 bags a week.

  6. Look for Mom to sue the companies. If she can find a Liberal judge, it'll mean million $$.

  7. Why are so many parents afraid to tell their children "no"? Like, "no" you can not eat a whole bag of chips daily, they are not good for you. "No" I will not be purchasing anymore chips.
    Seriously, this is the parents fought!

    1. What are you talking about?That's the babysitter.

  8. @8:05

    Not likely. Thanks to Tort reform, the American public is screwed forever. That suit will never see the light of day... or worse, it will become a class action suit where people effected can sign up to get a dollar or two in compensation, and attorneys will make millions.

    This is why corporations can get away with it, thank Tort reform. Corporations don't care, because they don't have to.

  9. You just can’t protect people from their own Stupidity..

  10. too much processed food. just needs a healthier diet. parents to blame. period


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