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Saturday, June 09, 2018

PRMC Needs To Stay In The Medical Field & Off The Golf Course, Especially TODAY!


  1. What if a medical emergency happens today on the golf course? You still going to say stay off of it?

  2. proofreading before posting is another suggestion :-)

  3. Everyone has a complaint about something. The event which is held every year is a fundraiser for the foundation. You know the same foundation which helps to pay medical bills for those that are unable to.

  4. Wow. The hospital is so short of staff that employees can’t even take their earned time off without being pestered, nonstop, to work overtime to cover shortages. However, the bigwigs are ALWAYS off on weekends to glad hand and schmooze each other at “gala” events. SMDH. There is absolutely NO leadership at that place. Every year they switch leadership models. One year it’s the “Disney” model. The next year it’s the “Toyota” model. Here’s an idea, how about just leading by example instead of trying to imitate everyone else. The reason they have to constantly copy everyone else is because the powers that be have NO idea what leadership is. How can they teach employees about leadership when they have no clue as to what it is themselves.

  5. "We are keeping "are" fingers crossed..."

    Um... Idiots can't even use appropriate grammar. I bet is was that dumb bastard Steven E. Leonard, President/CEO who said he bought a house in Worcester County because "Wicomico County Schools suck."

    Where ever that Douche Bag went to school sucks because he can't spell either. Who hired that dumb moron to run PRMC??

    1. Hahaha. Trying to correct someone’s grammar yet you state “I bet is was that dumb bastard..”. Here’s your sign.

  6. The PRMC Foundation is for Fund Raising. Check officials on the PRMC Medical. Check Officials of Foundation. Check Boards of both. The difference in the two is apparent.


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