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Saturday, June 09, 2018

The Time is Now!

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The Time to Make a Difference is Now!
As we count the last days toward the Republican Primary Election on June 26th, we are preparing to make a final media push. We need your help.

Mike has been working hard to deliver a strong, professional public safety message to the families of Worcester County. Your help insures that we will achieve the victory on Election Day.

Please consider doing the following ASAP!
  • Make a donation. Every dollar counts.
  • Make a favorable post on Facebook or other Social Media.
  • Write a Letter to the Editor in one of our local papers.
  • Talk to fellow Republicans about the importance of their support.

Insuring that good men and women seek public office requires this type of support. We must all do our part.

We at Team McDermott thank you for your loyalty and your valuable time.


Citizens to Elect Mike McDermott


  1. No - got too many of his kind holding office.

  2. Mike McDermott has my vote! Hope he puts that Matt Douche Bag into retirement for running against him.

  3. @7:00 - By "his kind", do you mean career law enforcement officer with the experience and vision to do the job well and keep the citizens safe and informed? He has a track record of providing information to the public and going against the grain when it's called for... I don't think anybody that actually paid attention while he was our delegate wouldn't want "his kind" protecting the county.


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