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Saturday, June 09, 2018


“Students will explore how systematic logics that position ‘the West’ and ‘whiteness’ as the ideal manifest through such social constructions as objectivity, meritocracy, and race.”

Hobart and William Smith Colleges is offering a course next year to teach students how “objectivity” and “meritocracy” function as “white mythologies.”

White Mythologies: Objectivity, Meritocracy, and Other Social Constructions” is a sophomore-level course taught by Kendralin Freemanand Jason Rodriguez, who are sociology and anthropology professors, respectively.

“This course explores the history and ongoing manifestations of ‘white mythologies’—long-standing, often implicit views about the place of White, male, Euro-American subjects as the norm,” explains the course description, which adds that students will also “explore how systematic logics that position ‘the West’ and ‘whiteness’ as the ideal manifest through such social constructions as objectivity, meritocracy, and race.”



  1. But what they do not mention is, the proof is in the pudding. There are no predominantly colored cultures or societies that rival any western or “white” civilizations in any statistic. Period. It’s ok to be white!

  2. Yeah, listening to that drivel will reward you with a lucrative career!

    (sorry about the big words, LOL!)

  3. Another class that's sure to get you a job after your six years of undergraduate study.

  4. Liberal, sissy, afraid of loud noises and anxious to stop YOU from doing or saying anything THEY don't like girlie boys, actually believe the truth has several versions.
    Now, objectivity is RACIST???
    Every day, when I think they can't get any dumber, they set a new bar for stupidity.
    And Trump continues to blow them away.

  5. Schools are a cesspool of leftist indoctrination.

  6. We must be right if they object.


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