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Friday, June 22, 2018

People are getting loans to pay for their vacations

You can pay for your vacation in installments. But should you?

Denise Phillips, a military veteran and mom who has three sons in the service, wanted to book a trip to Hawaii to spend Thanksgiving with one of her children.

But she didn’t want to pay for the trip all at once. So she started searching online for installment plans and found one through the lending company Affirm.

“I started looking into it, and it said ‘No hidden fees,’” she said. “I tried it, and it was actually true.”

The experience was convenient, she said, and since that trip she’s used Affirm to book more trips: One for a fishing trip to Alaska next month and she has plans to use it in January for a trip to Bermuda.


1 comment:

  1. When I worked at a hotel in OC I remember watching people put their hotel room on 2 or 3 different credit cards. It is amazing how people will go further in debt for a vacation.


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