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Friday, June 22, 2018

DC has more psychopaths than any other place in country, study finds

Washington, D.C. has more psychopaths than any other location in the United States, a recent study by the Southern Methodist University found.

The university studied five personality traits they called the "big five" -- extraversion, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness and neuroticism.

"The presence of psychopaths in the District of Columbia is consistent with the conjecture that psychopaths are likely to be effective in the political sphere," Research Assistant Professor Ryan H. Murphy stated in the study.

Furthermore, the study found that Virginia ranked as number eleven and Maryland number twelve.

See below to learn more on Professor Murphy's study:



  1. TheeesT over 500 of them on Capitol Hill!

  2. Logical,since it borders Maryland.

  3. I think they have the whole dc area bombarded with microwaves

  4. I don't know how anyone could look at people like the Clintons, Obama, Terry McCauliffe or Chris Van Hollen and disagree with this article.

  5. Dave T: No doubt, not surprised, and many have a place in our government, and they are completely worthless!

  6. The 535 in Congress skew the DC results.


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