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Monday, May 21, 2018

NRA President Oliver North blames school shootings on ‘culture of violence,’ Ritalin

Incoming National Rifle Association President Oliver North says school shootings are the product of a “culture of violence,” not the Second Amendment.

“The problem that we’ve got is we’re trying like the dickens to treat the symptom without treating the disease,” Mr. North said on “Fox News Sunday.” “And the disease in this case isn’t the Second Amendment. The disease is youngsters who are steeped in a culture of violence.”

He said everything from violence on television to Ritalin, a drug used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, may be contributing to the problem.

“Nearly all of these perpetrators are male, and they’re young teenagers in most cases, and they’ve come through a culture where violence is commonplace,” Mr. North said. “All we need to do is turn on a TV, go to a movie. If you look at what has happened to the young people, many of these young boys have been on Ritalin since they were in kindergarten. Now, I am certainly not a doctor; I’m a Marine. But I can see those kinds of things happening.”

Mr. North recommended schools implement the NRA’s School Shield program, which would allow certain staff members to carry firearms and provide training on how to respond to school shootings.

More here


  1. My opinion also.. We have children playing “alternate reality” games mass-murdering the “enemy” with WMD’s and realistic scenes of horror. It de-sensitized even a normal child, and with so many sub- normal babies “saved” by modern science,this is a predictable result...

  2. The NRA might be right on this one.

  3. Ritalin? Oh my, hurry...open the flood gates...OPEN THE FLOOD GATES NOW!!

  4. Everybody seems to point the finger of blame for the school shootings to anyone that already hate. Fact is that 100% of these shootings took place by teen age students at those schools. Neither the NRA or 2nd amendment shot anyone. If either ceased to exist tomorrow, the shootings by teen students will continue. Granted, not all the teens are bad but what are we going to do to weed out the bad (and sick) actors. I suppose we could put all teenage students in prison until they turn 21.

    Personally, I think David Hogg is a sicko and should be watched.

  5. Steeped in a culture of gun violence, Ollie, Gun Violence

  6. He is right AND single moms with multiple kids.

  7. No mention of course of the involvement of US and Mossad intelligence agencies, of which he is s part.


  8. There seem to be a great many common elements in the kids who have been responsible for these killings. And in those planning but caught beforehand.

    An objective look at these factors should be wide ranging and prompt so we can zero in on addressing and helping others with similar motivations to deal with their issues in positive, acceptable ways. It's a mental health issue IMHO.

  9. home school1!!!!!!

  10. It began with the liberal policies and indoctrination of schools, familes and Govt. If your old enough you saw the progression.

  11. The NRA is a terrorist organization

  12. 12:30. So is BLM, NAACP, Democrat party.


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