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Monday, May 21, 2018

North Korea's Kim Jong-Un is making new demands

Now that he’s gotten the world’s attention, “Little Rocket Man” has spent a week testing its patience.

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un got in a snit over exercises involving nuclear-capable B-52 bombers that the US, Japan and South Korea were planning to conduct over the Korean Peninsula. Kim threatened to cancel ongoing talks with the South.

Days earlier, he said he might pull out from meeting President Trump on June 12 in Singapore. Kim was mad at National Security Advisor John Bolton’s call for North Korea to completely denuclearize.

It may have been Bolton’s choice of comparison that miffed him. Bolton appeared to extol Libya’s move to denuclearize, though that country’s dictator, Moammar Khadafy, was eventually deposed and killed.



  1. Poor little rocket man, he doesn't know what it's like dealing with a real President. Go TRUMP!

  2. Wasn't he in the wizard of oz? Gotta love the hair!


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