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Monday, May 21, 2018

UN Migration Chief Attacks Trump, Claims Mass Migration in ‘National Interest’

United Nations Migration Agency Director-General William Lacy Swing has issued a barely concealed attack on the U.S. President, claimed mass migration is in the “national interest”, and that concerns about migrants are based on “false stereotypes and unfounded fear”.

“People say … we don’t want any migrants, build a wall and burn the bridge,” Swing sneered. “They identify [migrants] as ‘the other’. That is a big fear,” he claimed.

The former U.S. diplomat issued his thinly veiled attack on President Trump in an interview with the Korea Herald, buttressing it with a sustained assault on populism more generally.

“It is very toxic in nature, built on a lot of false stereotypes that they are coming to take our jobs and bringing in criminal elements, probably bringing in diseases. None of which was proved,” he claimed.

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  1. Just look at Germany and Sweden at the crime statistics before and after mass migration! Those numbers don't lie and the citizens of both countries have areas in their own homeland where they dare not go since the mass migration...unfounded fear, the police won't even go there!!

  2. Its not that we dont want them!! just not the criminals line jumpers who are stealing our tax dollars from american citizens and valid immagrants. The UN can pound sand WE DONT WANT YOUR NEW AGE NWO enslavement. Long live the USA and the its constitution. We DO NOT ANSWER TO THE UN

  3. Quit the U N Now!

  4. Princess Anne is slated as the Islamic Eastern Shore hub. PNC sold the Main Street building to them for their Mosque at a 66% discount.
    126 Muslim students in Somerset public schools.


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