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Sunday, May 06, 2018

Michelle Obama says she’s America’s ‘forever first lady’

Former first lady Michelle Obama said she’s America’s “forever first lady” at a college signing day event in Philadelphia on Wednesday.

“If I can be standing here as your forever first lady,” Obama said smiling, “then you can do anything you put your mind to.”

Obama made an appearance at Temple University in front of thousands of high school seniors to celebrate their decision to pursue higher education.



  1. She is America's first Anti American first lady.

  2. The first man to be First Lady
    Quite an accomplishment

  3. Not MY “First Lady”.

  4. yup, they sure do like themselves a lot. In my book she is Americans forever worst first lady.

  5. Just like Hillary they like these speaking forums where they get additional minutes of attention and most importantly make more $. This former first lady left no mark on this country but a mouth piece for "Black Lives Matter" in her case, or defending every young black thug that committed crimes and paid for them.

  6. She is not mine !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! arrogant,arrogant,arrogant arrogant !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. She is correct the first forever tranny first lady?

  8. Sasquatch forever!

  9. Not my first Adams apple.

  10. Remember what the lady in South Carolina said about her, enlarge the picture and I have to believe her!


  11. Philly schools' products? What is the collective GPA of the assembled throng?

    We never hear of the dogs they used as 'normal people' props. Wonder what Obama did with them?

  12. Stupid and ugly and a traitor!!!

  13. Now Really, Isn't eight years enough, I may through up!


  15. LOL America's First Ghetto Garbage is more like it. She's a miserable thing and nothing but a slave to a man. She did whatever the Kenyan Skid Mark ordered her to do like lie constantly for him. She's a piss poor example of a human being and a mother. Raising the 2 they spawned just like the ghetto garbage they are. The one daughter wearing shirts of rappers who go beyond disrespecting women more pure vulgar and crude towards them and glorifies violence. Blacks still overwhelmingly idolize her which only proves that races' complete lack of any morals and decency and explains why their youth are blowing each others brains out in record numbers.

  16. He was a great linebacker for Iowa.
    Was quoted as saying back then, I feel like a woman trapped in a man's body.

    Check it out!

  17. Michael Robinson - linebacker in college.

  18. No class. No manners, crude, just an ugly person inside and out and she seems proud of it.

  19. Forever WORST first lady ever.....

  20. She is rank. One of the worst things this beast said was she was never proud of the US until they voted for that evil liar spawn of satan who has made nothing more then a lowly slave out of her. She is the epitome of an angry black woman. Even the way her bottom jaw is rammed out is proof she is unhappy and it created a permanent underbite making her look even uglier then she is. She's never been proud before because she is an angry miserable ghetto garbage. There were always things and people to be proud of day in and day out in this country.

  21. African Americans have historically chosen the worst humanity has to offer to idolize and look up to. That is one of their major difficulties. Also their churches are almost all phony. You can't just talk the talk. You have to walk the walk and most do not and this is why God has turned His back on them. They are not a blessed race and it's evident day in and day out with the crime and poverty they experience. But God will not bless them until they become a moral people and that can start by them stopping making babies almost all can't afford in sinful lustful dirty unions. Why don't their so called pastors speak out against how they can't control themselves with this problem they have? Because 99.9 percent of their pastors are fakes.

  22. America will never claim that thing as a forever first lady. She cannot even qualify as a lady, much less a first lady.

  23. First dude with a Adams apple.

  24. Worst Lady, not first lady.


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