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Sunday, May 06, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Bill Mitch - WBOC - Not His PRESIDENT

Hey Bill

His name is PRESIDENT Trump , not MR Trump

Very disrespectful, boy.
I caught it more than once coming out of your mouth
Typical liberal media BS


  1. Troll... How about worrying about something worthwhile. Like finishing grade school.

  2. For eight years the president was referred to as just Obama, why is Trump different? Because he’s white?
    Just about what I’d expect from this site.

    1. Then don't read this site. Obama sucks and you know it

    2. That's not true, also if you have a problem with this site, why do you keep coming over? I have the answer already, so don't bother. Your a pathetic sad sack. Also, racist.

    3. Obama is Half White.

    4. Not one if you understood the IP’s point. Obama was a POS, doesn’t matter whether his was black, white,pink or green....he was referred to as Obama...just as Truml is refered to as Trump.
      As the OP said....why is Trump different.

  3. Punk a## snowflake.

  4. And who is this punk chump kid?

  5. A wantabee something.

  6. So that's what he looks like without his ANTIFA mask on ?

  7. Hey Billy Boy you got a little phallic thing going on with that mic be careful wouldn't want you to out yourself.

  8. WBOC is not my news source-all they do is repeat the talking points of the democrats.Although they are a local station they do not represent the views of the local populace.

  9. Jimmy Hoppa refers to him as "The Trump Presidency" when talking about President Trump. I have posted my displeasure to their facebook page. I have quit watching their news programs since then.

    I live in Maryland, but all they do is report about Delaware news and not even all the news in Delaware.

    There attitude is the hell with the rest of Delmarva, meaning Maryland and Virginia. I watch WMDT now. They at least report news and happenings around the shore and Salisbury. I like the fact that they showcase local business and restaurants.

  10. 1:55 PM I agree that mostly likely it was a regurgitation of regulated scripting but its sad they cant think for themselves and do the right thing.

    I am sure this was done intentionally and you will see much more of this in the future in an effort to minimize President Trump

  11. If any of you knew Bill & his wife Shelby you would know what type of people they are! These two have been known to dine at local restaurants and then name drop who they are in hopes to get their meals for free. They attended a wedding this weekend, and tried to steal all the attention from the bride bc “Bill is on TV” Shelby works at my bank and she can’t even have a drink of water without making you know Bill Mich is her husband.

  12. 1215 obama was the worst president we ever had. He was so bad the working class voted President Trump in. Democrats are racist they are in charge of every ghetto in the USA. Democrats continue to keep black people down. If your a Democrat your a racist. A republican freed the slaves and Republican is providing jobs for black people now.

    1. Probably true, but the Bush presidency led to the creation of Obama, which make Bush the worst.

  13. @1215 snowflake triggered lol


  14. He's the weakest of their 'on camera readers' by far, and apparently hasn't been able to get a bigger market to hire him.

    Our loss and his.

  15. I was their waitress once and I can vouch for the eating and expecting a free meal! Too bad they didn’t get it

  16. Hate to you inform you little dweeb but he is your President like it or not and he will be for another 6 years so suck it up buttercup. He is your PRESIDENT.

  17. Don't know who this fool is because i don't watch WBOC your Delaware news station. But i will tune in for a minute if they release that video.

  18. sorry to inform you 7:56 but the Bush problems all came from policy written under Bill Clinton. From the housing melt down to the collapse and bubble busting of the banks. All policy written in under Clinton. Not to mention the last 2 years of Bush was complete Democrat control of the house and Senate. That's also when the free for all's all started with the out of control spending. All under Democrats they lead and paved the way for Obama.

    1. What about the Iraq war 8.53. I think that was all Bush

  19. I don't know where this is coming from. Calling the President "Mr. (last name here)" has been perfectly acceptable for decades at least.

  20. I referred to him as turd 12:15. I'm like the real president, I call it as I see it.
    I have never seen a half white turd either 1:48

  21. 8:42 He's not going to get a second term. Fact.

  22. Bush did not go into the Iraq war alone. Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, John Kerry and Chuck Shumer all voted yay on using force in that war. Obama did not...only because he could not vote..He was not in a Congressional seat at that time. He had no say in it. A war that your mentors also voted and agreed to go in. stop following like a sheep and do your own research. Your mentors are all lying to you. They all voted yay before they all back tracked and tried to claim they didnt. Look it up its all out there.

    1. That was Bush's war. He is the one that took it to congress for a vote Get your facts straight.

  23. Bush relied on bad intelligence to go to war, and ignored anybody that disagreed with him. He relied on Chaney and Rumsfeld to run the show. Bush was a puppet. President Trump has tried to enlighten us about Bush's fiasco.

  24. Bill Mitch's husband also refuses to say "President Trump".

  25. I use to watch WBOC all the time, but I got tired of mostly Delaware news, little Maryland and even less Virginia! I only wish news agencies were not so biased in their news!


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